Free classes for Black women theatre producers
Theatre producee Jacquelyn Bell is running a series of free workshops aimed at Black women who want to become – or further their careers as – theatre producers. Bell, known for her success with off-Broadway show Emojiland, will offer the online classes in October.
“Ya know, I’m getting real tired of all these people telling me they can’t find Black women who want to produce theatre,” said Bell. “So I ask myself, what can I do? Well, I think sharing the experience and the knowledge I’ve picked up over the years is the answer.
Bells’ goal is to address the lack of Black women working in theatre production. She hopes to build a network of Black women who can take up fellowships, apprenticeships, and jobs in the sector.

La Nonne sanglante, nouvelle résurrection à l’Opéra de Saint-Étienne
Le grand répertoire français recèle de très nombreux trésors et même des chefs-d’œuvre tragiquement oubliés, nés durant une mauvaise période dans la vie du pays (victimes des guerres par exemple) ou dans la vie de leur créateur ou bien tout simplement en avance sur leur temps, voire éclipsés par des succès ultérieurs. L’enjeu est donc de les remettre sur scène et même encore davantage de les inscrire de nouveau au répertoire.
Le re-retour sur scène de La Nonne sanglante à l’Opéra de Saint-Étienne correspond à l’esprit et à la lettre de cette œuvre traitant de fantastique, de résurrection et du spectre de La Nonne sanglante qui hante les remparts d’un château gothique.

The Bloody Nun, a new resurrection at the Opéra de Saint-Étienne
The great French repertoire conceals many treasures and even tragically forgotten masterpieces, born during a bad period in the life of the country (victims of wars for example) or in the life of their creator or quite simply in advance. on their time, even eclipsed by later successes. The challenge is therefore to put them back on stage and even more so to put them back in the repertoire.
The return to the stage of La Nonne sanglante at the Opéra de Saint-Étienne corresponds to the spirit and the letter of this work dealing with the fantastic, the resurrection and the specter of The Bloody Nun which haunts the ramparts of a gothic castle.
Rudolf Buchbinder erhält Opus Klassik fürs Lebenswerk
Der österreichische Pianist Rudolf Buchbinder wird mit dem Opus Klassik für sein Lebenswerk ausgezeichnet. Der 73-Jährige erhalte die Würdigung bei der Verleihung des Musikpreises am 18 Oktober im Konzerthaus Berlin, teilte der Verein zur Förderung der Klassischen Musik am Freitag mit.
“Rudolf Buchbinder verkörpert einen Künstlertypus, wie er selten geworden ist: Uneitel, akribisch, mit nie nachlassender kreativer Energie und jenseits der Routine”, erklärte Jurysprecherin Kerstin Schüssler-Bach.
Der Pianist blicke auf eine mehr als 60 Jahre währende Musikerkarriere zurück, hieß es. Bekannt sei er insbesondere für seine Interpretationen der Wiener Klassik. In seiner Arbeit verschmelze Buchbinder Tradition und Innovation, Werktreue und Freiheit, Authentizität und Weltoffenheit.

Rudolf Buchbinder receives Opus Klassik for his life’s work
The Austrian pianist Rudolf Buchbinder is awarded the Opus Klassik for his life’s work. The 73-year-old will receive the honour at the award ceremony on 18 October in the Konzerthaus Berlin, the Verein zur Förderung der Klassischen Musik announced on Friday.
“Rudolf Buchbinder embodies a type of artist that has become rare: Unequainted, meticulous, with never-ending creative energy and beyond routine,” explained jury spokeswoman Kerstin Schüssler-Bach.
The pianist looks back on a career as a musician spanning more than 60 years, they said. He is especially known for his interpretations of the Viennese Classic. In his work Buchbinder fuses tradition and innovation, faithfulness to the original and freedom, authenticity and cosmopolitanism.