Primary Wave Music welcomes six new team members, announces promotions
Independent publishing and talent management company Primary Wave Music has announced it has hired six new team members for both their branding and digital marketing divisions. The news comes on the heels of its recent development deal launched with producer Ken Davenport.
Joining Primary Wave’s branding team as SVP, brand partnerships is Samira Qureshi – who previously worked at Disney. Lisa Fruggiero also joins the team as VP, brand partnerships. Sam Sklover – who was originally hired as a member of the digital team – has moved into branding as creative marketing manager.
Qureshi and Sklover are based in Primary Wave’s New York office, while Fruggiero will be working from the company’s new Austin space.

Führungswechsel im Deutschen Komponistenverband
Der Präsident des Deutschen Komponistenverbandes (DKV), Enjott Schneider (70), ist aus gesundheitlichen Gründen zurückgetreten. Zu einem interimsmäßigen Nachfolger wurde der Vizepräsident, Ralf Weigand, am Donnerstag, 9. September, auf der Sitzung des Bundesvorstands des DKV bestimmt. Schneider war von 2013 bis 2020 Präsident des DKV.
Sein Nachfolger im Bundesvorstand wird der Komponist Moritz Eggert (54), wie der DKV am Montag, 14. September, mitteilte.

New leadership in the German Composers’ Association
The President of the German Composers’ Association (DKV), Enjott Schneider (70), has resigned for health reasons. Vice-President Ralf Weigand was appointed as his interim successor at the meeting of the Federal Executive Board of the DKV on Thursday 9 September. Schneider was President of DKV from 2013 to 2020.
His successor on the Federal Executive Board will be the composer Moritz Eggert (54), as DKV announced on Monday 14 September.
La soprano Edita Gruberova prend sa retraite et annule son récital à Florence
À 73 ans, la grande soprano colorature slovaque Edita Gruberova, qui devait se produire le 3 octobre à Florence, a fait savoir qu’elle renonçait à ce récital et qu’elle met fin à sa carrière.
Edita Gruberova devait chanter Rossini, Strauss, Bellini et Rachmaninov à Florence
Initialement il était prévu qu’Edita Gruberova se produise le 14 juin au Teatro del Maggio Musicale de Florence. Un récital reporté au 3 octobre en raison des restrictions sanitaires imposées Italie mais, en fin de semaine dernière, Alexander Pereira, le surintendant de l’institution florentine a annoncé dans un communiqué que « La pause imposée par la Covid-19 a considérablement retardé les préparatifs de son concert. Pour Mme Gruberova, il était important de maintenir sa voix en forme grâce à des prestations artistiques régulières. La situation engendrée par le virus a rendu impossible le maintien de cette routine de chant, car tous les événements de ces derniers mois ont été annulés (…) Mais malgré son extraordinaire engagement, Edita Gruberova nous a fait part de son désir de mettre fin à sa carrière ».

Soprano Edita Gruberova retires and cancels her recital in Florence
At the age of 73, the great Slovakian colouratura soprano Edita Gruberova, who was due to perform on October 3 in Florence, has announced that she is giving up this recital and ending her career.
Edita Gruberova was to sing Rossini, Strauss, Bellini and Rachmaninov in Florence.
Originally it was planned that Edita Gruberova would perform on June 14th at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale in Florence. A recital was postponed until the 3rd of October due to the health restrictions imposed by Italy, but last weekend Alexander Pereira, the superintendent of the Florentine institution announced in a communiqué that ’The break imposed by Covid-19 has considerably delayed the preparations for her concert. For Gruberova, it was important to keep her voice in shape through regular artistic performances. The situation caused by the virus has made it impossible to maintain this singing routine, as all the events of the last few months have been cancelled (…) But despite her extraordinary commitment, Edita Gruberova has told us that she wants to put an end to her career”.