In today’s news: Gramo Mag category award winners are announced ahead of the ceremony in mid-September, and The Quietus turns ten. Pianist Alexis Ffrench on why young people love classical music, and the PR-guru-turned-life-coach who helps musicians stay on an even keel. A review of the concept of the Musikfest Berlin. A strategy to help diversify American orchestras. A guide to hidden Jazz recordings. The German president on Classical music and it’s perception in the public and in Weimar a new concert series focuses on works that were restored from the burnt down library.
The winners of 2018’s category awards are announced
One of the ten award winners will be named our Recording of the Year at an event in London that will also reveal awards for Orchestra of the Year, Artist of the Year, Young Artist of the Year, Label of the Year and the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Telegraph
Alexis Ffrench on why young people love classical music
“Young people want to listen to great music and it’s a question of where they’re finding that music. They play computer games, they watch music. People already enjoy classical music but they’re not necessarily going to the hall and watching the symphonies.”
The Guardian
How one woman helps A-list musicians survive
Kathryn Frazier spent much of her career raising the profiles of clients like Migos and Daft Punk through publicity but now as a life coach she also helps artists stay on an even keel.
The Quietus
“Help Us To The Next Decade Of Black Sky Thinking”
The music website turns ten, and editor Luke Turner reflects on the past decade, and the future of music journalism.
To help diversify American orchestras, one group is helping to get players to auditions
Gabrielle Skinner is in a coaching session for auditions at the New World Symphony in Miami Beach. She’s one of 18 musicians here, and she plays an excerpt from Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony on her viola.
NY Times
Unreleased Jazz Treasures Are Arriving: Here’s a Guide
There’s never a shortage of old jazz albums being repackaged, or previously unknown recordings finding the light of day. But this year, a particularly impressive trickle of unreleased music from jazz’s halcyon midcentury has emerged for the first time.
Winrich Hopp ist kein Mann für markige Motti. Der künstlerische Leiter des „Musikfest Berlin“ will das Publikum nicht durch Werbesprüche anlocken, sondern durch Inhalte überzeugen. Viele Gedankenstränge zu einem fein verwobenen Netz zu fügen, ist Hopps Passion.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier sieht keine Krise klassischer Musik
„Viele Freunde der klassischen Musik kommen sich ja selber schon wie eine anachronistische Minderheit vor, die immer kleiner zu werden scheint“, sagte Steinmeier am Donnerstag laut einer Mitteilung.“
RBB Kulturradio
Weimarer Aschebücher erklingen im Konzert
Bei der Premiere am Donnerstag in einer Woche kommen Werke aus dem 17. Jahrhundert zur Aufführung, kündigte die Klassik Stiftung in Weimar an.
And the 10 category winners are… #GramoAwards
— Gramophone (@GramophoneMag) August 31, 2018

Alexis Ffrench © Telegraph