Guildhall School of Music and Drama closes over coronavirus case
The prestigious music college in the City of London has been shut down “as a precautionary measure” after a teacher tested positive for COVID19.
Guildhall School of Music and Drama has been shut down “as a precautionary measure” after a teacher tested positive for the novel coronavirus. An email sent from the principal of Guildhall to staff and students has confirmed the school will be shut for up to 14 days, after the teacher was discovered to have the virus.
According to The Guardian, the email confirmed that “a member of teaching staff has tested positive for coronavirus” and although “he came into contact with a limited number of students” they are “working closely with those students to ensure that they receive urgent appropriate advice”.
The email says the teacher is currently recovering at the Royal Free Hospital and that the school will be closed for 14 days from Monday (2 March). It has been recommended that all meetings, performances, workshops, masterclasses and other on-site engagements should be cancelled.

Adam Fischer bleibt bis 2025 bei Düsseldorfer Symphonikern
Der ungarische Dirigent Adam Fischer hat sein zum Saisonende auslaufendes Engagement verlängert und bleibt weitere fünf Jahre Principal Conductor der Düsseldorfer Symphoniker. Die Vertragsverlängerung hat Hans-Georg Lohe, Kulturdezernent der Stadt Düsseldorf, in der Tonhalle Düsseldorf offiziell verkündet. Die Bekanntgabe erfolgte am Montagabend, an dem Fischer mit Gustav Mahlers 6. Symphonie seinen großen Mahler-Zyklus beendete, den der Dirigent bei seinem Amtsantritt 2015 in der Tonhalle begann.

Adam Fischer stays with Düsseldorfer Symphoniker until 2025
The Hungarian conductor Adam Fischer has extended his contract with Düsseldorfer Symphoniker and will stay Principal Conductor for five more years. The contract extension was announced by Hans-Georg Lohe, Cultural minister of the city of Düsseldorf at the Tonhalle. The announcement on Monday evening was made, a day on which Fischer conducted Mahler’s 6th Symphony to finish of his grand Mahler cycle that he started with his tenure at Tonhalle in 2015.
Où sont les compositrices ?
Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin… La liste des grands compositeurs s’écrit traditionnellement au masculin, comme si les femmes étaient exclues de cette pratique artistique. Pourtant, les compositrices existent depuis des siècles : soit la société de leur époque ne leur a pas permis de travailler, soit leur œuvre a été déconsidérée (…) S’il est toujours très compliquée pour les compositrices de se faire un nom aujourd’hui, les initiatives se multiplient pour les faire connaître. Le festival Présences Féminines ne programme que des femmes depuis dix ans, l’association ComposHer propose des listes de lecture, des entretiens et surtout des partitions de compositrices. La récompense de Camille Pépin aux dernières Victoire de la musique classique a été accueillie comme une bonne nouvelle par toutes celles et tous ceux qui militent pour la reconnaissance des compositrices.

Where are the female composers?
Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin… The list of great composers is traditionally written in masculine form, as if women were excluded from this artistic practice. However, women composers have existed for centuries: either the society of their time did not allow them to work, or their work was discredited (…) If it is still very complicated for women composers to make a name for themselves today, initiatives are multiplying to make them known. The Présences Féminines festival has only been programming women for ten years, the ComposHer association offers reading lists, interviews and above all scores by women composers. Camille Pépin‘s award at the last Victoire de la musique classique was welcomed as good news by all those who are campaigning for the recognition of women composers.