HallX, the new Mars concert hall is set to welcome musicians by 2026
WildKat is proud to announce our new client ‘HallX’, the new planned concert hall opening on Mars.
In collaboration with SpaceX, the new hall is set to have performances from the world’s greatest musicians as of 2026.
With renowned concert hall acoustician Yasuhisa Toyota at the helm, the concert hall aims to use the musical benefits of a vacuum and less atmosphere to enhance each visitor’s listening experience.

Schwetzinger Festspiele fallen erneut aus
Die für Mai geplanten Schwetzinger Festspiele des öffentlich-rechtlichen Senders SWR können aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie das zweite Jahr in Folge nicht wie geplant stattfinden. Die steigenden Infektionszahlen und die unklaren Bedingungen machten das Festival unmöglich, so die Erklärung der Künstlerischen Leiterin Heike Hoffmann.
Allerdings wollen die Veranstalter auch die diesjährige Ausgabe im Herbst nachholen. Zwischen Mitte und Ende Oktober sollen den Plänen zufolge über zwanzig Veranstaltungen stattfinden.

Schwetzingen Festival cancelled again
The Schwetzingen Festival from the public broadcaster SWR – originally scheduled for May – cannot take place as planned for the second year in a row due to the Corona pandemic. The rising infection numbers and the unclear conditions made the organization of the festival impossible, according to a statement by artistic director Heike Hoffmann.
However, the organisers want to make up for this year’s edition in autumn. According to plans, more than twenty events are to take place between mid and late October.
Thomas Zehetmair nommé chef principal de l’Orchestre national d’Auvergne
Le chef d’orchestre et violoniste autrichien sera entouré d’Enrico Onofri et Christian Zacharias, nommés chefs associés. Une “phalange unique dans le paysage musical français”, se félicite l’ensemble dans un communiqué.
Il est à la fois chef d’orchestre, violoniste, et chambriste renommé : l’Orchestre national d’Auvergne annonce l’arrivée de Thomas Zehetmair comme chef principal. Ce dernier prendra officiellement ses fonctions à compter de la saison 2021/2022, pour une durée de 3 ans. Zehetmair remplacera à ce poste Roberto Forés Veses, dont le mandat de 10 ans doit s’achever en juin 2021.

Thomas Zehetmair appointed principal conductor of the Orchestre national d’Auvergne
The Austrian conductor and violinist will be surrounded by Enrico Onofri and Christian Zacharias, who have been appointed associate conductors. A “unique phalanx in the French musical landscape”, the ensemble boasts in a press release.
A conductor, violinist and renowned chamber musician: the Orchestre national d’Auvergne has announced the arrival of Thomas Zehetmair as principal conductor. He will officially take up his post from the 2021/2022 season, for a period of three years. Zehetmair will replace Roberto Forés Veses, whose 10-year term is due to end in June 2021.