This stunning video of a Harlem ballet company dancing to Bach will give you goosebumps
Masks on, Bach playing, and a dance company sharing the magic of movement and togetherness. This is something very special.
In the summer of 2020, the Dance Theatre of Harlem company created this beautiful combination of ballet, music and the streets of New York’s iconic superb, steeped in history and culture. The video was made to celebrate Harlem Week 2020.
In a year when coronavirus has made our streets deserted of people and activity, and our communities quieter, the sight of this dance company bringing everything back to life is especially poignant.
Roselyne Bachelot annonce 115 millions d’euros d’aides pour la culture
Le milieu du spectacle vivant avait espéré un temps un assouplissement des règles de couvre-feu, balayé d’un revers de main par le Premier ministre Jean Castex.
Qui, toutefois, a dû entendre les revendications de sa ministre de la Culture: Mme Bachelot faisait partie des intervenants de la conférence de presse qui s’est tenue aujourd’hui, annonçant surtout que 54 départements entiers (et non plus seulement l’Île-de-France et huit métropoles) connaîtront un couvre-feu de 21h à 6h.
On peut donc s’attendre à ce que de nombreuses salles suivent l’exemple de Paris, Lyon ou Saint-Étienne et avancent l’horaire de leurs concerts et spectacles plutôt que de les annuler.
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Roselyne Bachelot announces 115 million euros in aid for culture sector
To deal with the consequences of the curfew introduced in 54 departments, the Minister of Culture announced that new aid would be made available for the entertainment sector.
The performing arts community had hoped for a time for a relaxation of the curfew rules, which Prime Minister Jean Castex dismissed out of hand. However, it had to listen to the demands of its Minister of Culture: Ms Bachelot was among the speakers at today’s press conference, announcing above all that 54 entire departments (and not just the Île-de-France and eight metropolises) will have a curfew from 9 pm to 6 am.
Many venues can therefore be expected to follow the example of Paris, Lyon or Saint-Étienne and bring forward their concert and performance schedules rather than cancelling them.
Bayerische Theater entsetzt über neue Corona-Regeln
Ministerpräsident Markus Söder hat neue Corona-Regeln festgelegt: Bei höheren Infektionszahlen dürfen Kulturveranstaltungen nur noch vor 50 Menschen stattfinden. Das träfe auch Bayerns Theater hart.
Die Intendant*innen reagieren mit Unverständnis.Gestern hat Bayerns Ministerpräsident Markus Söder einen neuen kritischen Corona-Inzidenzwert verkündet: Ab 100 Neuinfektionen pro 100.000 Einwohner*innen in einer Stadt oder einem Landkreis in den vergangenen sieben Tagen greifen schärfere Maßnahmen.
Zum Beispiel dürften Kulturveranstaltungen in geschlossenen Räume statt vor derzeit maximal 250 Zuschauer*innen dann nur noch vor 50 Menschen stattfinden.

Bavarian theatres appalled by new coronavirus rules
Prime Minister Markus Söder has adopted new Corona rules: In case of higher infection rates, cultural events may only take place in front of 50 people. This would also hit Bavaria’s theatres hard. The directors react with incomprehension.
Yesterday, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder announced a new critical corona incidence value: If 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a city or district occurred within the last seven days, stricter measures will be taken. For example, cultural events in closed rooms should only take place in front of 50 people instead of the current maximum of 250 spectators.
Members of Bavarian theatres have called the new rules a “punch in the face” and “debacle”. The theatre-makers are by no means among the corona deniers.