Hastings Competition announces revised dates for 2022
Hastings International Piano Concerto Competition has been rescheduled due to ongoing government restrictions and will now run from 24 February to 5 March 2022.
The biennial competition is an initiative of Hastings International Piano, which also runs the Hastings International Piano Festival. Ian Roberts has led the organisation since 2019.
Roberts said: ‘The past 12 months have been an extremely testing time for all arts organisations and we have worked hard to overcome the many challenges that Covid-19 has presented.’

Berliner Häuser mit Pilotprojekt zur Wiedereröffnung
In Berlin planen einige Häuser ein Pilotprojekt zur baldigen Wiedereröffnung. Negativ auf Corona getestete Personen sollen dabei wieder Vorstellungen in Theatern, Opern und Konzertsälen besuchen dürfen. Die Nachweise dafür müssen tagesaktuell in einem der teilnehmenden Testzentren vorgenommen worden sein. Solange die Veranstaltungseinrichtung alle Hygienevorgaben zu Lüftung und Bestuhlung erfüllt, soll der Test für das Publikum kostenlos sein.
Dabei soll zur Kontaktverfolgung auch auf personalisierte Eintrittskarten gesetzt werden. Insgesamt nehmen acht Häuser mit neun Veranstaltungen teil, unter ihnen auch ein Club. In der Berliner Philharmonie soll ein erstes Konzert mit 1.000 Besuchern bereits Ende des Monats stattfinden.

Pilot project for reopening of Berlin stages
In Berlin, cultural institutions are planning a pilot project to reopen soon. People who have tested negative for Corona will be allowed to attend performances in theatres, operas and concert halls again. Proof of a negative test from one of the participating test centres must be provided on the same day. As long as the venue meets all hygiene requirements for ventilation and seating, the test will be free of charge for the audience.
Personalised admission tickets are also used for contact tracking. A total of eight venues organizing nine events are taking part, including one club. In the Berlin Philharmonie, a first concert with 1,000 visitors is to take place at the end of the month.
Disparition de la soprano Renée Doria
Elle venait de fêter ses cent ans il y a quelques semaines. Renée Doria nous laisse heureusement une discographie aussi vaste que son répertoire.
C’est à Perpignan, où elle voit le jour le 13 février 1921, qu’elle apprend le piano, dès l’âge de cinq ans. « J’étais dans une famille musicienne. Jouer du piano, chanter, cela me semblait tout naturel », racontait-elle. Un pianiste ami de Pablo Casals lui donne ses premières leçons de chant. L’élève est travailleuse, et douée : en 1937, elle remplace au pied levé l’Eurydice prévue face à l’Orphée d’Alice Raveau.
Les encouragements pleuvent, elle partage l’affiche de plusieurs concerts avec César Vezzani, reçoit des conseils de Vanni-Marcoux. Le chef Paul Bastide la fait travailler à son tour, et l’engage à l’Opéra de Marseille où elle débute en 1942 en Rosine du Barbier de Séville.

Death of the soprano Renée Doria
She had just celebrated her hundredth birthday a few weeks ago. Renée Doria fortunately leaves us a discography as vast as her repertoire.
It is in Perpignan, where she was born on February 13, 1921, that she learns the piano at the age of five. “I was born in a musical family. Playing the piano, singing, it seemed quite natural to me,” she said. A pianist friend of Pablo Casals gave her her first singing lessons. The pupil was hard-working and gifted: in 1937 she replaced the Eurydice at a moment’s notice for a performance of Alice Raveau’s Orpheus.
Encouragement rained down, she played several concerts with César Vezzani and received advice from Vanni-Marcoux. The conductor Paul Bastide made her work in his turn, and hired her at the Marseille Opera where she made her debut in 1942 as Rosine du Barbier de Séville.