
10th October: Classical Music’s industry survey in mental health provision, German Music Therapeutic Society, Lars Vogt appointed Music Director of the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris

Thursday 10th October 2019

Classical Music’s industry survey reveals serious shortcomings in mental health provision

Classical Music has today [10 October 2019] released the results of its industry-wide mental health survey, which included responses from musicians, composers, journalists, artist managers, administrators, teachers and more.
The survey revealed that:
The environment within the music industry is one which leads to an alarming level of stress and mental health difficulties, with 63% of respondents having accessed professional services (not necessarily through work) on grounds of stress or mental health difficulties. 32.3% of respondents have even used alcohol or other substances to help them to cope at work.
There is a widespread feeling (82%) that there are gaps in the provision of mental health services for musicians. 64.5% of respondents said that they did not have adequate information to respond to issues relating to mental health in the workplace.
While professional support for mental health issues exists/is offered in some workplaces, more needs to be done to make this support available. Only 18% of respondents said that they were aware of their place of work offering access to such support, and of the respondents in managerial positions, only 23% have had training to respond to mental health disclosures from colleagues.

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Forderung nach flächendeckender Versorgung mit musiktherapeutischen Angeboten

Gemeinsam statt einsam! Das ist das Motto der heute in Deutschland beginnenden Woche der seelischen Gesundheit. Musik kann in diesem Kontext eine wichtige Funktion einnehmen, sagen der Deutsche Musikrat (DMR) und die Deutsche Musiktherapeutische Gesellschaft (DMtG) in einer Presseaussendung. Musiktherapie leiste im stationären und ambulanten Bereich nicht nur einen Beitrag zur Inklusion, sondern auch zur Bildung sozialer Kontakte, zur Krankheitsbewältigung und zur Förderung der Resilienz.

Hierzu Prof. Christian Höppner, Generalsekretär des Deutschen Musikrates: « Anlässlich der bundesweiten Woche der seelischen Gesundheit appelliert der Deutsche Musikrat an Bund und Länder, eine qualifizierte Versorgung mit musiktherapeutischen Angeboten flächendeckend zu gewährleisten. Längst ist nachgewiesen, dass Musik und Musizieren sich positiv auf Körper, Geist und Seele auswirken. Musik hat außerdem die Kraft, Menschen miteinander in Kontakt zu bringen und zu verbinden. Musiktherapeuten leisten hierfür eine qualitativ wertvolle Arbeit in der Prävention, Therapie, Nachsorge und Inklusion, u.a. auch in Musikschulen. Die Voraussetzung für ein umfassendes musiktherapeutisches Angebot sind entsprechende Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten an Musikhochschulen, Fachhochschulen und Universitäten – davon gibt es derzeit jedoch leider noch zu wenige.“

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Demand for nationwide provision of music therapy services

Together instead of lonely! This is the motto of the Week of Mental Health, which starts today in Germany. Music can play an important role in this context, say the German Music Council (DMR) and the German Music Therapeutic Society (DMtG) in a press release. Music therapy in the inpatient and outpatient sectors not only contributes to inclusion, but also to the formation of social contacts, coping with illnesses and promoting resilience.

Prof. Christian Höppner, Secretary General of the German Music Council: “On the occasion of the nationwide Week of Mental Health, the German Music Council appeals to the federal and state governments to guarantee a comprehensive supply of music therapy services nationwide. It has long been proven that music and music have a positive effect on body, mind and soul. Music also has the power to connect and connect people. Music therapists are doing a high quality work in prevention, therapy, aftercare and inclusion, i.a. also in music schools. The prerequisites for a comprehensive music therapy offer are appropriate training opportunities at conservatoires, technical colleges and universities – but unfortunately there are still too few. „

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L’Allemand Lars Vogt nommé directeur musical de l’Orchestre de chambre de Paris

Le chef d’orchestre allemand Lars Vogt a été nommé nouveau directeur musical de l’Orchestre de chambre de Paris, remplaçant l’Ecossais Douglas Boyd, selon la Ville de Paris qui l’a qualifié mercredi de “musicien hors pair”.

Pianiste de renommée internationale, M. Vogt, 49 ans, a été nommé pour un mandat de trois ans à partir du 1er juillet 2020. Sa nomination “marque une nouvelle étape dans la dynamique engagée par Douglas Boyd”, selon Christophe Girard, adjoint à la Maire de Paris pour la culture.

Le communiqué précise qu’au cours des cinq dernières années, “l’Orchestre de chambre de Paris a connu un fort renouvellement devenant l’orchestre le plus jeune de Paris, à l’effectif paritaire”. Lauréat de plusieurs prix prestigieux, dont le prix Brahms, M. Vogt est actuellement directeur musical de la Royal Northern Sinfonia en Grande-Bretagne.

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German Lars Vogt appointed Music Director of the Orchestre de chambre de Paris

German conductor Lars Vogt has been appointed new Music Director of the Orchestre de chambre de Paris, replacing the Scot Douglas Boyd, according to the City of Paris, which on Wednesday described him as an “outstanding musician”.

Mr. Vogt, 49, an internationally renowned pianist, was appointed for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2020. His appointment “marks a new step in the dynamics initiated by Douglas Boyd”, according to Christophe Girard, Deputy Mayor of Paris for Culture.

The press release states that over the past five years, “the Orchestre de chambre de Paris has undergone a major renewal, becoming the youngest orchestra in Paris, with equal representation”. A recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Brahms Prize, Mr. Vogt is currently Music Director of the Royal Northern Sinfonia in Great Britain.

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