In today’s news: Help musicians UK launches 24/7 mental health services for the music industry, Rosemary Johnson steps down as RPS executive director in summer 2018, Primephonic iOS app goes online. Also, Chandos catalogue to be available on all streaming platforms, Ravinia Festival cuts ties with James Levine and the fusion of Staatstheater and Staatsorchester Mainz.
Classical Music
Rosemary Johnson to stand down as RPS executive director
Rosemary Johnson is to step down from her role as executive director of the Royal Philharmonic Society in summer 2018.
Chandos to release catalogue on streaming platforms
The complete Chandos catalogue will become available on all streaming platforms worldwide from January 2018.
The Herald
Music venues ‘should be protected from sound-proofing bills’
LIVE music venues should be protected from expensive sound-proofing bills if houses are built nearby, politicians have said.
Music Week
Primephonic launches iOS app for mobile classical music listening
Yesterday (December 5) Primephonic, the high resolution streaming service dedicated to classical music, has expanded its offering to include a dedicated iOS app for on-the-go high-quality listening.
IDAGIO Raises $9.5M To Expand Classical Music Streaming Service
Berlin based IDAGIO has raised a $9.5 million Series A round to expand its classical music focused streaming service.
Help musicians UK launches 24/7 mental health services for the music industry
UK organization Help Musicians, which has been working to provide mental health assistance and education for artists and music industry professionals, has officially launched its 24/7 services.
The Strad
No fine for André Rieu as court sides with violinist over Dutch child employment law violation
Child pan pipers involved in series of Maastricht concerts in 2015 worked beyond allowable hours – but were not employed by Rieu, court concedes.
Chicago Tribune
The Ravinia Festival, where James Levine served as music director for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s summer residencies from 1973 to 1993, has severed all ties with the famed conductor amid allegations of sexual misconduct currently under investigation by authorities in Lake County and at the Metropolitan Opera.
Staatstheater und Staatsorchester Mainz sollen fusionieren
Das Philharmonische Staatsorchester Mainz soll wieder in das Staatstheater Mainz integriert werden. Das vereinfache die Organisation und Doppelstrukturen fielen weg, erklärte der Intendant des Staatstheaters, Markus Müller.
Musik Heute
Leipzigs Musik-Tradition erhält Kulturerbe-Siegel
Die Musik-Tradition der Stadt Leipzig wird mit dem Europäischen Kulturerbe-Siegel gewürdigt. Wie das sächsische Kunstministerium mitteilte, wird die Europäische Kommission das Siegel im März 2018 verleihen.
DOV fordert, DDR-Gelder für Orchester und Theater einzusetzen
Die Deutsche Orchestervereinigung DOV fordert, die Mittel aus der Auflösung des Vermögens früherer DDR-Organisationen im Bundesland Sachsen-Anhalt vor allem für strukturell unterfinanzierte Orchester und Theater einzusetzen.
Le Parisien
Diva des Yvelines : le chef d’orchestre et l’avocate condamnés pour abus de faiblesse
Le maestro Jean-Christophe Keck a écopé ce lundi de 9 mois de prison avec sursis pour abus de faiblesse sur Eva Rehfuss, une cantatrice suisse morte à 85 ans fin 2008. L’avocate de Versailles, Me Michèle Gruffaz, a elle été condamnée à 12 mois avec sursis.