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Henri Demarquette - Marketing Insights - WildKat

Henri Demarquette – Marketing Insights

Wednesday 27th March 2024

WK: What is the key point you took away from your marketing training? How has it changed your understanding of marketing and music promotion?
HD: I’m very interested in discovering all the aspects of my field. It’s very empowering and gives even more meaning to my work. It’s no longer the time for the artist to be in a protected bubble, but to be fully aware of the realities around themselves.

WK: What are the main differences in music marketing and promotion that you’ve noticed over the course of your career?
HD: Marketing and promotion have evolved so much since I started out! Image and video have taken on immense power, but I’m convinced that at the moment of the concert, emotion is the only thing that counts.

WK: As an already established artist, why do you consider social networks so important?
HD: What I appreciate most about social networking is the possibility of creating a community and communicating with it. For me, creating a bond is the most important thing in music, and social networking is a continuation of that.

Henri’s Bach Cello Suites collection is available here: