Met Opera deal allow solo singer fees cut by up to 12.7%
The Metropolitan Opera would be able to cut the fees of its highest-paid individual singers by 12.7% under a pending four-year contract with the American Guild of Musical Artists.
Details were not announced May 11 when the deal was agreed to, but slides of the solo artist pay terms created by AGMA were posted on Facebook by soprano Lisette Oropesa and reposted by mezzo-soprano Isabel Leonard, and the union released more complete terms to The Associated Press on Wednesday.

ifa-Auszeichnung für Pianist Igor Levit
Pianist Igor Levit wird mit dem Preis für den Dialog der Kulturen ausgezeichnet. Das Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) würdigt damit Levits politisch-gesellschaftliches Engagement, die “entschiedene Haltung und persönlichen Mut im Widerstand gegen Rechtsextremismus, Antisemitismus und Rassismus”.
Levit verstehe es, sowohl durch seine Kunst als auch durch seine politische Botschaft die Herzen der Menschen zu bewegen, so die Begründung weiter. Die seit 2009 verliehene Auszeichnung ist mit 10.000 Euro dotiert, das Geld wird an eine vom Preisträger ausgewählte wohltätige Organisation gespendet. Der Preis soll Mitte September in Berlin vergeben werden.

ifa-Award for pianist Igor Levit
Pianist Igor Levit is awarded the Prize for the Dialogue of Cultures. The Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) thus honours Levit’s political-social commitment, the “resolute attitude and personal courage in the resistance against right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and racism”.
According to the statement, Levit knows how to move people’s hearts through his art as well as his political message. The award, which has been presented since 2009, is endowed with 10,000 euros; the money will be donated to a charity chosen by the award winner. The prize will be awarded in mid-September in Berlin.
La ballerine Carla Fracci est morte
Considérée par beaucoup comme la plus grande danseuse classique d’Italie, elle s’est éteinte ce 27 mai 2021 à l’âge de 84 ans. Né le 20 août 1936 à Milan, Carla Fracci se forme à partir de ses dix ans à l’école de danse de la Scala, dont elle est diplomée en 1954. Elle intègre alors le ballet du prestigieux théâtre dont elle gravit rapidement les échelons : soliste en 1956, Prima ballerina en 1958.
Dans les années qui suivent, elle acquiert une grande notoriété et de nombreuses compagnies l’invitent… ce qui lui permet de quitter la troupe de la Scala en 1963, s’estimant sous-employée et mal payée. On la voit à Londres, à Stockholm, à New York avec l’American Ballet Theatre. Elle danse avec les plus grands, comme Rudolf Noureev et Mikhaïl Baryshnikov.

Ballerina Carla Fracci dies aged 84
Considered by many to be Italy’s greatest classical dancer, she passed away on 27 May 2021 at the age of 84. Born on 20 August 1936 in Milan, Carla Fracci began training at the La Scala dance school at the age of ten, graduating in 1954. She then joined the ballet of the prestigious theatre and quickly climbed the ranks: soloist in 1956, Prima ballerina in 1958.
In the following years, she acquired great notoriety and many companies invited her… which allowed her to leave the Scala troupe in 1963, considering herself underemployed and poorly paid. She was invited to London, Stockholm and New York with the American Ballet Theatre. She danced with the greatest, such as Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov.