RPO research shows increased interest in orchestral music among young people

According to new research by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO), 73% of British adults have an active relationship with orchestral music, rising to 83% of those aged under 25. Almost half of young people polled (46%) listened to orchestral music on streaming platforms such as Spotify or YouTube – compared with 15% of people over 65 – making it the most common way young people are engaging with orchestral music. ‘Technology is playing a huge role in shaping the future of how people engage with orchestral music,’ says James Williams, managing director at the RPO. ‘At the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, we see it as an essential role to respond to this change, and to evolve and develop – be it through online content or programme notes that appear live on your phone. Indeed, last year we reached around 17m people worldwide through Spotify alone, and these numbers continue to grow each year.’
Ernst von Siemensstiftung vergibt Auszeichnungen an junge Komponisten
Drei junge Komponisten aus Berlin, Frankreich und Italien erhalten in diesem Jahr Förderpreise der Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung. Die Auszeichnung sei mit jeweils 35 000 Euro dotiert, teilten die Preisstifter am Dienstag in München mit. Es handelt sich um die Musiker Catherine Lamb aus Berlin, Samir Amarouch aus Paris und Francesca Verunelli aus Italien.
Die Auszeichnungen sollen am 11. Mai in München verliehen werden. Der Hauptpreis geht in diesem Jahr an die Bratschistin Tabea Zimmermann.
Die 1982 geborene Lamb stammt aus den USA. Studiert hat sie unter anderem in New York und in Indien. Der indische Filmemacher und Musiker Mani Kaul sei bis zu seinem Tod 2011 ihr Mentor gewesen, teilte die Stiftung mit. Der Franzose Amarouch, Jahrgang 1991, sei Konzertgitarrist und schließe derzeit sein Masterstudium in Komposition ab. Verunelli, 1979 geboren, studierte unter anderem am Komposition und Klavier in Florenz. Auf der Biennale di Venezia habe sie 2010 einen silbernen Löwen erhalten.
Die Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung verleiht ihren Preis für ein Lebenswerk im Dienste der Musik seit 1973 jedes Jahr. Auch der Nachwuchs wird gewürdigt. Darüber hinaus unterstützt die Stiftung rund 120 Projekte für zeitgenössische Musik weltweit. Insgesamt vergibt sie Preis- und Fördergelder in Höhe von 3,6 Millionen Euro.

Ernst von Siemensstiftung awards prizes to young composers
This year, three young composers from Berlin, France and Italy will receive sponsorship awards from the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation. The award is endowed with 35,000 euros each, the prize donors announced in Munich on Tuesday. They are the musicians Catherine Lamb from Berlin, Samir Amarouch from Paris and Francesca Verunelli from Italy.
The awards will be presented on 11 May in Munich. This year the main prize goes to the violist Tabea Zimmermann.
Born in 1982, Lamb is originally from the USA. She studied in New York and India, among other places. Indian filmmaker and musician Mani Kaul was her mentor until his death in 2011, the foundation announced. Frenchman Amarouch, born in 1991, is a concert guitarist and is currently finishing his master’s degree in composition. Born in 1979, Verunelli studied composition and piano in Florence. She received a Silver Lion at the Biennale di Venezia in 2010.
The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation has awarded its prize for a life’s work in the service of music every year since 1973. Young talent is also honored. In addition, the foundation supports around 120 contemporary music projects worldwide. It awards a total of 3.6 million euros in prize money and grants.
Yusif Eyvazov, Grand Prix de la Culture
Décidément, les récompenses honorifiques pleuvent en ce moment. Alors qu’ Anna Netrebko vient d’être désignée pour recevoir le Polar Music Prize, la soprano annonce sur son compte Instagram une autre nouvelle qui la touche de près : Yusif Eyvazov s’est vu attribuer hier le « Grand Prix de la Culture » 2020 (en français dans le texte, c’est tellement plus chic) par la Wiener Privatbank. Décerné en partenariat avec l’agence Hollaender-Calix, ce prix récompense chaque année un artiste, comme Aleksandrs Antonenko en 2014, ou Francisco Araiza en 2018. Manifestement très fière, Anna Netrebko a profité de son post pour féliciter chaleureusement son mari, rappelant que cette distinction est le fruit de son travail acharné

Yusif Eyvazov, Grand Prix for Culture
Decidedly, the honorary awards are raining down right now. While Anna Netrebko has just been nominated to receive the Polar Music Prize, the soprano announces on her Instagram account another piece of news that is very close to her heart: Yusif Eyvazov was awarded yesterday the “Grand Prix de la Culture” 2020 (in French in the text, it’s so much more chic) by the Wiener Privatbank. Awarded in partnership with the Hollaender-Calix agency, this prize rewards an artist each year, such as Aleksandrs Antonenko in 2014, or Francisco Araiza in 2018. Obviously very proud, Anna Netrebko took the opportunity of her post to warmly congratulate her husband, reminding that this distinction is the fruit of his hard work.