Italy’s iconic La Scala opera house closes amid coronavirus fears
As the number of coronavirus cases continues to increase in Italy, Milan’s famous opera house takes drastic measures to prevent further spreading.
Italy’s iconic opera house, La Scala, has temporarily shut down in response to the country’s growing concerns over coronavirus.
In a statement shared on social media, the music venue announced: “The Teatro alla Scala’s performances are suspended in relation to the spread of the coronavirus as a precautionary measure pending the provisions of the competent authorities.
“For information regarding the rescheduling of performances and refund of tickets please write to [email protected] or call the infotel service +39 02 72 003 744 (service active every day from 9am to 6pm).”

Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben vergibt 47 Instrumente
Die Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben verleiht erneut Instrumente an junge Musiker. Im Rahmen des 28. Wettbewerbs des Deutschen Musikinstrumentenfonds fanden 47 Geigen, Bratschen und Celli von Rugeri, Goffriller, Vuillaume, Baehr oder Augustin neue Leihbesitzer. Insgesamt hatten sich 57 Musiker bis 27 Jahre für die Vergabe eines Instrumentes beworben. 47 von ihnen waren beim Wettbewerb im Hamburger Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe erfolgreich. 26 Instrumente wurden an neue Künstler vergeben, die restlichen Teilnehmer spielten um eine Verlängerung ihrer Leihfrist aus dem vergangenen Jahr. Mit allen erfolgreichen Teilnehmern veranstaltet die Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben Anfang Juli ein Preisträgerkonzert.

German Foundation Musikleben grants 47 instruments
The Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben is again lending instruments to young musicians. In the 28th competition of the German Musical Instrument Fund, 47 violins, violas and cellos by Rugeri, Goffriller, Vuillaume, Baehr or Augustin found new loaners. A total of 57 musicians up to 27 years of age had applied for the award of an instrument. 47 of them were successful in the competition at the Hamburg Museum of Art and Trade. 26 instruments were awarded to new artists, the remaining participants played for an extension of their loan period from last year. The Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben will be holding a prizewinners’ concert with all the successful participants at the beginning of July.
Tournée européenne pour le Met de New-York, dirigé par Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Il faut remonter à 2002 pour avoir souvenir d’une tournée du Metropolitan Opera hors de sa célèbre salle du Lincoln Center de New-York. À l’époque, l’orchestre américain était dirigé par James Levine et s’était produit au mois d’août en Allemagne (Wiesbaden, Baden-Baden), en Suisse (Lucerne) et en Autriche (Salzbourg). Depuis, plus rien, sinon quelques concerts au Carnegie Hall, toujours à New York. C’est sous l’impulsion de Yannick Nézet-Séguin, son chef principal depuis 2017 et directeur musical à partir de cette année, que le Met se décide à sortir de Manhattan en 2021. Le Met à la Philharmonie de Paris le 30 juin et le 1er juillet 2021.

European tour for the New York Met, directed by Yannick Nézet-Séguin
One has to go back to 2002 to remember a tour of the Metropolitan Opera outside its famous Lincoln Center Hall in New York City. At the time, the American orchestra was conducted by James Levine and performed in August in Germany (Wiesbaden, Baden-Baden), Switzerland (Lucerne) and Austria (Salzburg). Since then, nothing but a few concerts at Carnegie Hall, still in New York. It was under the impetus of Yannick Nézet-Séguin, its principal conductor since 2017 and music director from that year, that the Met decided to leave Manhattan in 2021. The Met performs at the Philharmonie de Paris on June 30 and July 1, 2021.