Leading university music department faces 25 percent cut amid pressure to be more ‘integrated’
A top London university is looking down the barrel of a nearly 25 percent cut to its Music department, as it goes through an ‘academic realignment’.
According to its staff, the prestigious Music department of Royal Holloway has been informed of plans to significantly reduce its tutoring staff and research provisions, due to “a forecasted loss of college overall income across the next ten years”.
The department has apparently been targeted because the curriculum “should be more ‘integrated’ and ‘broader’” – and because “the staff-student ratio is claimed to be low compared to sector averages”.

Jurowski weiter beim Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin
Berlin (MH) – Vladimir Jurowski bleibt weitere vier Jahre Chefdirigent und Künstlerischer Leiter des Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchesters Berlin (RSB). Der 49-Jährige habe seinen bis 2023 laufenden Vertrag bis zum 31. August 2027 verlängert, teilte das Orchester am Mittwoch mit. Das Kuratorium der Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre gGmbH Berlin (ROC) habe dem bereits zugestimmt, sagte ROC-Geschäftsführer Anselm Rose.
Mit Jurowski als Chefdirigent “konnte das RSB sein Profil schärfer definieren und hat seinen Platz als Berliner Kulturinstitution in dieser sich so schnell verändernden Zeit gefunden”, erklärte Orchesterdirektorin Clara Marrero.

Jurowski continues with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra
Vladimir Jurowski will remain chief conductor and artistic director of the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (RSB) for another four years. The 49 year-old has extended his contract, which runs until 2023, to August 31, 2027, the orchestra announced on Wednesday. The board of trustees of the Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre gGmbH Berlin (ROC) has already agreed, said ROC managing director Anselm Rose.
With Jurowski as chief conductor, “the RSB was able to define its profile more sharply and has found its place as a Berlin cultural institution in these rapidly changing times,” said orchestra director Clara Marrero.
Hilary Hahn sera la première artiste en résidence de l’Orchestre Symphonique de Chicago
Le Chicago Symphony Orchestra a annoncé en début de semaine la nomination d’Hilary Hahn en tant qu’artiste en résidence. Une première dans l’histoire de la formation dirigée par Riccardo Muti. La violoniste américaine débutera cette collaboration avec le CSO à compter du 1er septembre pour une durée de 2 ans. Riccardo Muti salue « le dévouement d’une artiste qui fait partager la musique dans le monde entier »\
Deux mois après la nomination de sa nouvelle compositrice en résidence (Jessie Montgomery qui succèdera à Missy Mazzoli en juillet prochain), la direction du Chicago Symphony Orchestra a nommé la 1ère artiste en résidence de son histoire.

Hilary Hahn to be Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s first Artist-in-Residence
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra announced earlier this week of the appointment of Hilary Hahn as its artist-in-residence. This is the first time in the history of the orchestra led by Riccardo Muti. The American violinist will begin her collaboration with the CSO on 1 September for a period of two years. Riccardo Muti salutes “the dedication of an artist who shares music around the world.
Two months after the appointment of its new composer-in-residence (Jessie Montgomery, who will succeed Missy Mazzoli in July), the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s management has appointed the first artist-in-residence in its history.