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Drunk man steals ‘L’ from Liverpool Philharmonic Hall sign

2nd September: Drunk man steals ‘L’ from Liverpool Philharmonic Hall sign, Young German Philharmonic Orchestra concerned about audition practice, What are Roselyne Bachelot’s proposals for the Paris Opera?

Wednesday 2nd September 2020

Drunk man steals ‘L’ from Liverpool Philharmonic Hall sign

Liverpool’s Philharmonic Hall, home to the UK’s oldest continuing professional symphony orchestra, the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, has been vandalised. Merseyside Police say a drunk man stole the second ‘L’ in ‘Liverpool Philharmonic’ at 05:45 BST on Monday 31 August.

Police were called out after a man was seen climbing up the outside of the Grade II listed building, and onto a ledge. There, the man reportedly pulled the letter from the sign and fled the concert hall. Police searched the area and found a group of men, whom they chased down. One of them was found to be clutching the stolen letter.

An 18-year-old man from Giffnock, Scotland, and a 19-year-old man from Aigburth, Liverpool, were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage.

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Junge Deutsche Philharmonie in Sorge um Probespielpraxis

Der Orchestervorstand der Jungen Deutschen Philharmonie (jdph) hat sich in einem offenen Brief besorgt zur Ausbildungssituation von Musikstudierenden gezeigt. In der Hochphase der Corona-Pandemie seien nahezu alle Probespiele bei den Berufsorchestern eingestellt worden, heißt es in dem Schreiben vom 31. August. Die jdph erhofft sich daher in der aktuelle Situation für “Corona-Probespielen” einen “klaren Willen und kreativen Lösungsansätzen seitens der Orchester.”

Auch bei den Praktika kam es durch die Einstellung des Spielbetriebs der Orchester nur zu ganz wenig Einsätzen, die eine Verlängerung des Praktikums erfordern.


Young German Philharmonic Orchestra concerned about audition practice

In an open letter, the orchestra board of the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie (jdph) has expressed concern about the educational situation of music students. According to the letter of 31 August, during the peak of the Corona pandemic, almost all auditions with professional orchestras had been discontinued. In the current situation for “Corona auditions”, jdph therefore hopes for a “clear will and creative approaches to solutions on the part of the orchestras.

In the case of the internships, too, the discontinuation of the orchestras’ playing operations meant that there were very few assignments requiring an extension of the internship.

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Quelles sont les propositions de Roselyne Bachelot pour l’Opéra de Paris ?

Roselyne Bachelot a déclaré souhaiter « une transformation profonde » de l’Opéra National de Paris. Des propos tenus à l’occasion de la passation de relais à la tête de l’institution entre Stéphane Lissner et Alexander Neef. La ministre de la Culture a notamment lancé une réflexion sur la politique de l’art lyrique en France.

Roselyne Bachelot a rendu hommage au travail de Stéphane Lissner

Lors de la cérémonie organisée au ministère de la Culture, Roselyne Bachelot a tenu à rendre hommage à Stéphane Lissner, « qui aura dirigé l’Opéra national de Paris pendant 6 ans, en proposant une programmation riche et audacieuse tout en veillant à diversifier les ressources de l’établissement ». À propos de son successeur à la direction générale Alexander Neef, la ministre de la culture a déclaré qu’il « propose pour l’Opéra National de Paris un projet lyrique et chorégraphique ambitieux, qui accorde une place importante au répertoire français et conjugue le maintien d’un niveau artistique d’excellence avec les enjeux de démocratisation, de recherche de nouveaux publics et de développement de l’éducation artistique ».

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What are Roselyne Bachelot’s proposals for the Paris Opera?

Roselyne Bachelot said she would like to see “a profound transformation” of the Paris Opera. These words were made on the occasion of the handover at the head of the institution between Stéphane Lissner and Alexander Neef. The Minister of Culture has notably launched a reflection on the policy of lyric art in France.

Roselyne Bachelot paid tribute to the work of Stéphane Lissner

At the ceremony organised at the Ministry of Culture, Roselyne Bachelot paid tribute to Stéphane Lissner, “who directed the Paris National Opera for 6 years, offering a rich and audacious programme while taking care to diversify the establishment’s resources”. Commenting on his successor as director general Alexander Neef, the Minister of Culture stated that he “is proposing an ambitious lyrical and choreographic project for the Paris National Opera, which gives an important place to the French repertoire and combines the maintenance of an artistic level of excellence with the challenges of democratisation, the search for new audiences and the development of artistic.

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