Llangollen Eisteddfod: Fabric bridge covering for festival’s return
The Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod is returning this year, though it will be mainly held online.
The festival has been held in the Denbighshire town every year since 1947 but was postponed in 2020 because of Covid. This year the main programme will be free of charge over the weekend of the 9-11 July.
It will feature classical, choral, hip-hop, dance, world music, and an artwork covering the town’s bridge with fabric.

Deutsches Chorzentrum eröffnet
Der Deutsche Chorverband hat sein neues Chorzentrum eröffnet, das Gebäude wurde Anfang der Woche im Berliner Stadtteil Neukölln eingeweiht. Zum eröffnenden Festakt waren rund 200 Gäste geladen, unter anderm Prof. Monika Grütters, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien, der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin, Michael Müller.
Das frisch sanierte und erweiterte Gebäude soll der kreative Mittel- und Austauschpunkt für Kontakte der Chor- und Vokalmusikszene im In- und Ausland werden.

Opening of the German Choir Centre
The German Choral Association has opened its new choral centre as the building was inaugurated in the Berlin district of Neukölln at the beginning of the week. Around 200 guests were invited to the opening ceremony, among them Prof. Monika Grütters, Minister of State for Culture and Media, and the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller.
The newly renovated and extended building is to become the creative centre and exchange point for contacts of the choral and vocal music scene in Germany and abroad.
La Philharmonie de Paris lance son concours de lutherie
Le musée de la Musique et la Philharmonie de Paris lancent un tout nouveau concours de lutherie, consacré au violoncelle.
La Philharmonie de Paris et le musée de la Musique se sont rapprochés de l’Association « Talents & Violon’celles » pour organiser un nouvel événement : un concours international de lutherie consacré exclusivement au violoncelle.

The Philharmonie de Paris launches its violin making competition
The Musée de la Musique and the Philharmonie de Paris are launching a brand new violin-making competition, dedicated to the cello.
The Philharmonie de Paris and the Musée de la Musique have joined forces with the “Talents & Violin’celles” Association to organise a new event: an international violin-making competition devoted exclusively to the cello.