
9th June: Lloyd Webber willing to risk arrest to reopen his theatres, Nora Schmid to be artistic director of the Dresden Semperoper, Marzena Diakun and Valerio Galli appointed to conduct the Toulon Opera Orchestra

Wednesday 9th June 2021

Lloyd Webber says he will risk arrest to reopen his theatres on 21 June

Andrew Lloyd Webber has said he is determined to open his theatres on 21 June regardless of whether rules are relaxed, and is prepared to be arrested if authorities try to intervene.

The composer said he may have to sell his six West End venues if the government does not remove restrictions that have forced venues to run with reduced capacities. Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Lord Lloyd-Webber also revealed he had remortgaged his London home, as the live entertainment industry struggles with the pandemic’s catastrophic financial impact.

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Nora Schmid wird Intendantin der Dresdner Semperoper

Die Intendantin der Oper Graz, Nora Schmid, wechselt in gleicher Position an die Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden. Die 42-Jährige Schweizerin übernehme ab der Spielzeit 2024/25 die Nachfolge von Peter Theiler, teilte Sachsens Kulturministerin Barbara Klepsch (CDU) am Dienstag mit. Ihr Vertrag laufe bis 2030.

Für die in Bern geborene Schmid ist es eine Rückkehr an die Semperoper, an der sie ab 2010 als Chefdramaturgin und ab 2012 zusätzlich als Persönliche Referentin von Intendantin Ulrike Hessler wirkte. Nach deren Tod im Juli 2012 gehörte sie zur geschäftsführenden Interims-Intendanz. Mit der Saison 2015/16 wurde sie Geschäftsführende Intendantin der Oper Graz.

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Nora Schmid to be artistic director of the Dresden Semperoper

Nora Schmid, artistic director of the Graz Opera, is moving to the Saxon State Opera in Dresden in the same position. The 42-year-old Swiss will take over from Peter Theiler as of the 2024/25 season, announced Saxony’s Minister of Culture Barbara Klepsch (CDU) on Tuesday. Her contract will run until 2030.

For Schmid, who was born in Bern, it is a return to the Semperoper, where she worked as chief dramaturge from 2010 and as personal assistant to artistic director Ulrike Hessler from 2012. After Hessler’s death in July 2012, she was part of the interim artistic management team. With the 2015/16 season, she became Managing Director of the Graz Opera.

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Marzena Diakun et Valerio Galli nommés pour diriger l’Orchestre de l’Opéra de Toulon

Un seul « c’est monotone et soupçonneux, tandis que deux c’est vraiment mieux », chante l’héroïne de L’Amour masqué. Prenant au mot Guitry et Messager, l’Orchestre de l’Opéra de Toulon a opté pour un binôme. Un pari sur la jeunesse, la parité, et l’ouverture, puisque l’une est polonaise, l’autre est italien.

En septembre 2021, annonce un communiqué, la Polonaise Marzena Diakun et l’Italien Valerio Galli succèderont à Jurjen Hempel qui occupait le poste de chef de l’Orchestre de l’Opéra de Toulon depuis trois ans. La première aura en charge le répertoire symphonique, son collègue le domaine lyrique.

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Marzena Diakun and Valerio Galli appointed to conduct the Toulon Opera Orchestra

One “is monotonous and suspicious, while two is really better”, sings the heroine of L’Amour masqué. Taking Guitry and Messager at their word, the Toulon Opera Orchestra has opted for a pair. A gamble on youth, equality and openmindedness, since one is Polish and the other Italian.

In September 2021, as announced in a press release, the Polish Marzena Diakun and the Italian Valerio Galli will succeed Jurjen Hempel, who has held the position of conductor of the Toulon Opera Orchestra for the past three years. The first one will be in charge of the symphonic repertoire, her colleague of the opera domain.

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