
6th May: LMM Educates, Proposals for resuming events, Recommendations for theatres, Pulitzer Prize for Davis

Wednesday 6th May 2020

London Music Masters announces new series of live educational sessions and activities

The music education charity London Music Masters (LMM) has today announced it is launching Friday Live!, a weekly online series of engaging live sessions and downloadable activities delivered by artists and music leaders from around the world. It is designed to keep young people and their families creative, motivated, and challenged during lockdown and throughout summer, and is open for anyone to enjoy.

Every Monday throughout Summer, London Music Masters will release an outline on their Friday Live! homepage of what’s happening during that week, and who each activity is aimed towards.

Each week, three types of activities will be available:

• Explore! – There will be one musical activity open to everyone to explore in their own time during the week, with submissions celebrated every Friday on LMM’s Facebook Live

• Participate! – There will be three live sessions taking place on LMM’s Facebook Live every Friday (11am, 1pm, 3pm). These sessions will be delivered by different people and targeted at specific audiences

• Listen! – There will be one weekly live performance from artists taking place at the end of every Friday on LMM’s Facebook Live, with all being offered payment for their contributions. So far, Violinist Elena Urioste and pianist Tom Poster are lined up to perform in the series.

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Vorschläge für Wiederaufnahme des Veranstaltungsbetriebs vom FMF

Das Forum Musik Festival (FMF), ein Zusammenschluss von Festivals vor allem aus dem Klassikbereich, fordert in einem aktuellen Positionspapier einen Zukunftssicherungsfonds, um den durch die COVID-19-Pandemie in ihrer Existenz bedrohten Festivals zu helfen „und Ausfallgagen für die betroffenen Künstler*innen finanziell und zuwendungsrechtlich möglich zu machen“.

Das FMF, das mittlerweile 72 Institutionen jeglicher Größenordnung repräsentiert, legt zudem ein Konzept “für eine behutsame Öffnung des Veranstaltungsbetriebs” vor. Dies soll unter anderem dazu beitragen, dass die Festivals im weiteren Verlauf des Jahres “ihre kulturell bedeutenden Aufgaben und wertschöpfende Funktion an den jeweiligen Orten zumindest teilweise wieder wahrnehmen können”. Das FMF schlägt dafür ein Zweistufenmodell – bestehend aus einem Gesundheits- und Sicherheitskonzept und einer “Gefährdungsbeurteilung in Bezug auf Künstler*innen und Publikum” – vor.

Voraussetzung für ein Überleben der vielfältigen Festivallandschaft seien “schnelle wie wirksame, für den Bereich der Festivals passgenaue Maßnahmen zur Soforthilfe”. Mittel des Zukunftssicherungsfonds sollten laut dem FMF unter anderem die “förderunschädliche Zahlung von Ausfallhonoraren ohne realisierte Veranstaltung bis 60 Prozent” ermöglichen, ebenso eine “anteilige Honorierung von bereits erbrachten Leistungen trotz abgesagtem Konzert (Recherche, Notenerstellung, Sonderproben, Proben, besondere Aufwendungen etc.) bis maximal 60 Prozent der Gesamthonorarsumme mit gesondertem Nachweis”.

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Proposals for resuming event operations from the FMF

The Forum Musik Festival (FMF), an association of festivals mainly from the classical field, calls for a future security fund to help the existence of the festivals threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic and cancellation fees for the artists concerned to make it possible financially and in terms of funding in a new position paper.

The FMF, which now represents 72 institutions of all sizes, also presents a concept “for a cautious opening of the event business”. Among other things, this should help the festivals to “at least partially again perform their culturally important tasks and value-adding functions at the respective locations in the course of the year”. The FMF proposes a two-stage model – consisting of a health and safety concept and a “risk assessment in relation to artists and the public”.

A prerequisite for the survival of the diverse festival landscape is “fast and effective measures for emergency aid that are tailored to the needs of festivals”. According to the FMF, funds from the future security fund should, among other things, enable “non-promotional payment of cancellation fees without an event up to 60 percent”, as well as a “prorated reward for services already performed despite a cancelled concert (research, grade creation, special rehearsals, rehearsals, special expenses and so on) a maximum of 60 percent of the total fee with separate proof “.

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Déconfinement : les recommandations du rapport Bricaire pour rouvrir les salles de spectacle

Un rapport sur le déconfinement remis vendredi au gouvernement préconise une série de mesures pour le secteur de la culture, à l’arrêt complet depuis mi-mars. Distance entre les sièges et les artistes, port du masque, suppression des buvettes, marquage au sol et nettoyage systématique des lieux clos… Des recommandations qui seront certainement prises en compte par Emmanuel Macron qui doit faire des annonces concernant le secteur de la culture mercredi 6 mai. Ce rapport d’une trentaine de pages (à télécharger) a été réalisé par le Pr François Bricaire, infectiologue, chef de service honoraire et membre de l’Académie de Médecine, sous la houlette du groupe de protection sociale Audiens Care Service. Une trentaine d’acteurs du secteur culturel ont été consultés, au sein d’institutions aussi variées que le Moulin rouge, l’Opéra de Paris, les syndicats du théâtre privé ou des producteurs indépendants.

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The recommendations of the Bricaire report to reopen theatres

A deconfinement report submitted to the government on Friday recommends a series of measures for the cultural sector, which has been at a complete standstill since mid-March. Distance between seats and artists, wearing of masks, elimination of refreshment stands, floor marking and systematic cleaning of enclosed spaces… These recommendations will certainly be taken into account by Emmanuel Macron who is due to make announcements concerning the cultural sector on Wednesday 6 May. This report of about thirty pages (to download) was produced by Prof. François Bricaire, infectiologist, honorary head of department and member of the Academy of Medicine, under the leadership of the social protection group Audiens Care Service. Around thirty actors from the cultural sector were consulted, within institutions as varied as the Moulin Rouge, the Paris Opera, private theatre unions or independent producers.

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‘Central Park Five’ composer Anthony Davis wins the Pulitzer Prize for music

Composer Anthony Davis was in a Zoom meeting with fellow faculty members from UC San Diego when he received a call with the news: Davis had won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for music for his operatic tale of racial injustice, “The Central Park Five.”

Davis, a music professor, is still getting the hang of using the video conferencing platform, and he thought he had muted himself when he answered the call. It turned out he had done the opposite.

“I pushed the wrong button, and so the whole faculty heard the announcement,” Davis said after his win. The move prompted one of his colleagues to call the incident “the best Zoom bomb ever.”

The moment of levity was a welcome one for Davis, who had taken a sabbatical from teaching to attend a since-canceled March residency at the Bogliasco Foundation in Genoa, Italy, where he had been named a spring 2020 fellow. He had plans to work on two operas including “The Darkest Light in the Heart,” about the aftermath of the 2015 mass shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., in which a white supremacist killed nine African American members during bible study.

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