
3rd June: Manvinder Rattan announced as new Chief Executive of Voices Foundation, Conductor Jonathon Heyward on diversity in classical music, Jonas Kaufmann launches opera series on YouTube

Thursday 3rd June 2021

Manvinder Rattan to be new Chief Executive of Voices Foundation

Voices Foundation (VF) is delighted to announce that Manvinder Rattan has been appointed as Chief Executive from September 2021. All are thrilled that Manvinder, who has extensive experience across the music education sector, will be leading VF through the next important phase of its development. During this time, VF will implement its new three-year strategy with a targeted focus on pupils experiencing disadvantage and a continued focus on sustainable growth and improved pupil wellbeing.

Manvinder joins from Sing for Pleasure, where as CEO and Head of Conductor Training, his team of tutors teaches around 300 conductors each year.

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Photo: Manvinder Rattan © Mark Kirsten

Dirigent Jonathon Heyward über Umbruchszeiten in der Klassik

Die Klassik-Szene befindet sich gerade im Umbruch. Da werden neuerdings Fragen gestellt wie: Bilden wir wirklich die gesellschaftliche Vielfalt ab? Müssen wir nicht den eigenen weiß-geprägten Kanon überdenken? Aber auch: Wie gelingt respektvolle Kommunikation zwischen Dirigent und Orchester? […]

“Wichtiger finde ich dagegen die Idee der Inklusion. Also auch diejenigen ins Boot zu holen, die momentan noch nicht ins Konzert kommen; auch diejenigen Komponistinnen und Komponisten in den Kanon zu integrieren, die vergessen oder zu wenig beachtet wurden. Mir geht es darum zu zeigen, wie ähnlich die, die wegen ihrer Hautfarbe oder wegen ihres Geschlechts übersehen wurden, denen sind, die es in den Mainstream geschafft haben. Dass ihre Musik dieselbe Qualität hat.”

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Conductor Jonathon Heyward on diversity in classical music

The classical music scene is currently in a state of transition. Recently, questions have been raised: Do we really represent social diversity? Do we have to rethink our own white-centred canon? But also: How can we achieve a respectful communication between conductor and orchestra? […]

“I think the idea of inclusion is more important. To bring on board those who don’t come to concerts at the moment, to integrate composers into the canon who have been forgotten or given too little attention. For me, it’s about showing how similar those who have been overlooked, because of the colour of their skin or because of their gender, are to those who have made it into the mainstream. That their music has the same quality.”

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Jonas Kaufmann lance sur YouTube « Coffee with Kaufmann », une émission consacrée à l’opéra

« Coffee with Kaufmann », un café avec Jonas Kaufmann, clin d’oeil à son addiction assumée pour ce breuvage. Le chanteur, qui avait publié une vidéo-teasing lundi, y expliquait qu’il a l’intention, lors de ces rendez-vous, de parler des multiples facettes, de son métier, de l’opéra et plus encore.

La première vidéo de la série, mise en ligne ce mercredi, s’adresse aux jeunes artistes. Sur un fond sonore extrait de son album Dolce Vita (sorti en 2016) Jonas Kaufmann recommande, tout d’abord, aux jeunes artistes qui le questionnent, de ne pas écouter uniquement les conseils que leur donnent les gens car, si selon lui il est important d’écouter les autres, « Le seul qui vit cette vie, le seul qui fait des sacrifices et se bat pour réussir, c’est vous ».

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Jonas Kaufmann launches ‘Coffee with Kaufmann’, an opera series on YouTube

“Coffee with Kaufmann“ is a nod to Jonas Kaufmann’s addiction to the beverage. The singer, who published a video teaser on Monday, explained that he intends to talk about the many aspects of his profession, topics revolving around the world of opera and more.

The first video in the series, which went online on Wednesday, is directed at young artists. With a soundtrack from his album Dolce Vita (released in 2016), Jonas Kaufmann recommends not to listen to every advice given by other people, because, according to him: “The only one who lives this life, the only one who makes sacrifices and fights to succeed, is you”.

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