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7th February: Milwaukee stolen Stradivarius recovered, WNO's 'fallen women' season & black classical music history - WildKat

7th February: Milwaukee stolen Stradivarius recovered, WNO’s ‘fallen women’ season & black classical music history

Friday 7th February 2014


Milwaukee police confirm $5m Stradivarius violin recovered

Violin found stored in a suitcase in an attic in good condition. Three arrested in connection with stolen Stradivarius violin.

Why does opera like women behaving badly? 

The Welsh National Opera’s new season explores opera’s fascination with ‘fallen women’. But it wasn’t just the women who fell, writes artistic director David Pountney

Classic FM Online

Big audience boost for Classic FM

More than 300,000 new listeners have tuned in to Classic FM in the last three months, according to new radio listening figures published today.


How Well Do You Know Your Black Classical Music History?

You probably knew that Carter G. Woodson planted the seedling that would become known as Black History Month. But how much do you actually know about Black classical music?


British orchestras are in danger of losing top billing despite rising ticket sales

Funding reductions mean our leading ensembles may have to cut back on the things that give them world status.

The New York Times

Richard Hayman, Pops Conductor, Dies at 93

Richard Hayman, who began his career as a harmonica player and went on to become the conductor of pops concerts in St. Louis and the arranger of pops concerts in Boston, died on Wednesday in Manhattan. He was 93.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Das Glück ist mit den Furchtlosen

Wie kann das sein? Jeden Samstagnachmittag strömen zweitausend Menschen ins Amsterdamer Concertgebouw, um neue Musik zu hören. So etwas gibt es nirgendwo sonst auf der Welt.

The Guardian

The Guardian