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Montreal Competition names new jurors for Piano 2021 edition

26th march: Montreal Competition names new jurors for Piano 2021 edition, Musicians wanted for European online orchestra, Paris Opera cancels public performances until May 2nd

Friday 26th March 2021

Montreal Competition names new jurors for Piano 2021 edition

The Concours musical international de Montréal (CMIM) has named pianists Till Fellner and Charles Richard-Hamelin as jurors for its Piano 2021 edition, which takes place online from 26 April to 14 May.

Other luminaries who will serve under CMIM jury chair Zarin Mehta include Arnaldo Cohen, Marin Engstroem, Maria Kodama, Hélène Mercier, Costa Pilavachi, Rena Shereshevskaya and Susan Wadsworth. Together, on three continents, they will evaluate the efforts of 27 competitors recorded in 15 cities around the world.

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Musiker für europäisches Online-Orchester gesucht

Zum Europatag am 9. Mai soll eine besondere Version der Europa-Hymne erklingen. Musiker aus ganz Europa können sich für ein Online-Orchester anmelden, um gemeinsam Beethovens “Ode an die Freude” aufzuführen, teilte die Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Deutschland am Donnerstag mit.

Mitmachen könne jeder vom Anfänger bis zum Profi, erklärte der Musiker und Musiklehrer Jens Illemann. “Es gibt Stimmen für Blechbläser, Holzbläser, Schlagwerker, Gitarristen, Bassisten – auch Blockflöten und natürlich Sänger sind eingeladen, Teil dieses großartigen Projekts zu werden”, sagte er. Für diesen Anlass hat er ein Arrangement der Europahymne erstellt, das im Stil eines Crossovers Klassik, Swing und Rock verbindet.

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Musicians wanted for European online orchestra

A special version of the European anthem is to be performed for Europe Day on May 9th. Musicians from all over Europe can register for an online orchestra to perform Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” together, as the European Commission Representation in Germany announced on Thursday.

Anyone from beginner to professional can join, explained musician and music teacher Jens Illemann. “There are parts for brass, woodwinds, percussionists, guitarists, bassists – recorders and of course singers are also invited to become part of this great project,” he said. For the occasion, he has created an arrangement of the European anthem that combines classical, swing and rock in a crossover style.

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L’Opéra de Paris annule les spectacles en public jusqu’au 2 mai

« Le développement de l’épidémie et les nouvelles mesures de restriction prises en Île-de-France », écrit Alexander Neef, « ne laissent entrevoir aucune reprise des représentations dans les prochaines semaines ».

Il y a un mois, l’Opéra de Paris annonçait l’annulation des représentations publiques jusqu’au 5 avril. La situation épidémique ne s’améliorant guère, c’est désormais jusqu’au 2 mai inclus que Bastille et Garnier seront privés de la foule de leurs spectateurs.  

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The Paris Opera cancels public performances until May 2nd

“The development of the pandemic and the new restriction measures taken in the Île-de-France region, do not suggest that performances will resume in the coming weeks.”, writes Alexander Neef.

A month ago, the Paris Opera announced the cancellation of public performances until April 5th. As the pandemic situation is hardly improving, Bastille and Garnier will be deprived of their audiences until May 2nd inclusive.

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