‘Musicians should receive 50/50 royalties from streaming services’ – MPs condemn current ‘16%’ rate

Major parliamentary committee report states that music streaming needs a complete reset, so that artists can be paid fairly for their work.
Last year, leading British violinist Tasmin Little revealed that for five to six million streams of her recordings, she had earned just £12.34. Artists from all genres have since joined the conversation, with even successful pop stars decrying the meagre earnings they receive from major streaming services.
Now, a UK parliamentary committee has published a 121-page report on the economics of music streaming, following a six-month inquiry into what is, and isn’t, working for music-makers in the streaming era.
Telemann-Preis an Violinistin Wallfisch
Der Georg-Philipp-Telemann-Preis 2021 wird an Elizabeth Wallfisch verliehen. Damit würdige die Stadt Magdeburg die herausragenden Verdienste der Violinistin, Ensembleleiterin und Pädagogin für die weltweite Verbreitung der Werke des Komponisten (1681–1767), teilte das Zentrum für Telemann-Pflege und ‑Forschung am Mittwoch mit. Die Auszeichnung soll Oberbürgermeister Lutz Trümper im Rahmen eines Festakts am 17. September 2021 überreichen. Dabei werde die in London lebende Musikerin, die sich weitgehend aus dem Konzertleben zurückgezogen hat, mit dem Freiburger Barockorchester auftreten.

Telemann Prize for violinist Wallfisch
The Georg Philipp Telemann Prize 2021 will be awarded to Elizabeth Wallfisch. With this award, the city of Magdeburg honours the outstanding services of the violinist, ensemble director and teacher for the worldwide dissemination of the works of the composer (1681-1767), the Centre for Telemann Care and Research announced on Wednesday. The award will be presented by Lord Mayor Lutz Trümper at a ceremony on 17 September 2021. The London-based musician, who has largely retired from concert life, will perform with the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra.
Emmanuel Macron délègue l’obligation vaccinale aux organisateurs de concerts
Face à l’impératif d’étendre la couverture vaccinale des Français, le chef de l’État a choisi d’augmenter la responsabilité de contrôle du pass sanitaire par les entreprises. Dans le milieu musical, fragilisé par un début d’été incertain, les conséquences pratiques et financières pourraient être lourdes, et la date du 21 juillet choisie sans concertation pour sa mise en œuvre suscite des contestations.

Emmanuel Macron delegates the vaccination obligation to concert organisers
Faced with the imperative of extending vaccination coverage to the French, the head of state has chosen to increase the responsibility of companies to control the health pass. In the music industry, weakened by an uncertain start to the summer, the practical and financial consequences could be serious, and the date of 21 July chosen without consultation for its implementation is being contested.
The Met Opera vs. Union Labor: A Summary of Where They Are Now
For the Metropolitan Opera, it’s two down, one to go. Two of the institution’s major unions – the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) – have reached contract agreements. The third – the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) – is currently engaged in negotiations that, if sucessful, should enable the 2021-2022 season to open as planned on Sept. 27 with Fire Shut Up in My Bones, the first opera by a Black composer ever presented at the Met.
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