Music service launched for visually impaired children with neurodegenerative disease
On 16 November, the Amber Trust and the ISM Trust will launch With Music in Mind, a new music service aimed at transforming music provision for children and young people with neurodegenerative disease who are visually impaired.
The new service provides parents, carers, teachers, and therapists with free, specially designed resources and offers families weekly music lessons or family sessions from specially trained music practitioners. These sessions, which will be available online, will aim to support engagement with music, as well as focus on language and communication.
With Music in Mind follows a recent research project undertaken by Professor Adam Ockelford at the University of Roehampton, which indicated that some children with neurodegenerative disease are able to keep using words for months or even years longer if they are sung rather than spoken

Scholz stellt neue Finanzhilfen für Kulturbranche in Aussicht
Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) stellt neue finanzielle Hilfen für die von der Corona-Pandemie besonders betroffene Kultur- und Veranstaltungsbranche in Aussicht. “Ich kann mir beispielsweise Finanzhilfen für den Fall vorstellen, dass geplante Veranstaltungen wegen der Pandemie abgesagt werden müssen”, sagte Scholz dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND).
Auf die Frage, ob es auch den in der Branche geforderten Unternehmerlohn als eine Art Kurzarbeitergeld für Selbstständige geben wird, sagte der SPD-Politiker: “Ich will auch etwas für die Soloselbstständigen tun. Lassen Sie uns noch ein paar Tage Zeit, miteinander und vor allem mit der EU-Kommission gute Lösungen zu finden.” Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier (CDU) hat sich bereits für einen solchen Unternehmerlohn ausgesprochen. Würde er eingeführt, könnten Selbstständige einen bestimmten Betrag – voraussichtlich bis zu 1180 Euro – im Monat als laufende Betriebsausgaben bei den Überbrückungshilfen geltend machen.

Scholz announces new financial support for the cultural sector
Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz (SPD) has announced new financial aid for the cultural and events sector, which has been particularly hard hit by the Corona pandemic. “I can imagine, for example, financial aid in the event that planned events have to be cancelled because of the pandemic,” Scholz told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND).
Asked whether the entrepreneurial wage demanded in the industry would also be available as a kind of short-time working allowance for the self-employed, the SPD politician said: “I also want to do something for the solo self-employed. Let us have a few more days to find good solutions together and above all with the EU Commission”. Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) has already spoken out in favour of such an entrepreneurial wage. If it were introduced, the self-employed would be able to claim a certain amount – probably up to 1180 euros – per month as current operating expenses in the bridging allowance.
Le compositeur Bechara El-Khoury rend hommage aux victimes des attentats
5 ans après les attentats du 13 novembre à Paris, un concert hommage a été donné sans public avant-hier à la Philharmonie de Paris avec la mezzo-soprano Isabelle Druet, le chef Pierre Bleuse et l’Orchestre de Chambre de Paris… avec une création dont Charlotte Landru-Chandès nous raconte l’histoire.
Il y a deux ans, pour rendre hommage à son fils Stéphane, victime des attentats, Louise Albertini a, avec son compagnon Julien Thomast, commandé une œuvre à la Fondation de France et au compositeur franco-libanais Bechara El-Khoury.
Ils ont entendu cette pièce, intitulée Il fait novembre en mon âme, pour la première fois avant-hier. “Nous avons reçu cette œuvre qu’on attendait et dont on ignorait tout, raconte Julien Thomast. On n’en avait entendu aucune note, rien du tout et l’œuvre a été bien au-delà de nos espérances. La musique est contemporaine et répond bien au problème des attentats, ce que Louise et moi souhaitions. L’acmée de ce concert a été la voix d’Isabelle Druet, la voix revenue après la musique… on réintroduisait de l’humain et c’était bouleversant.”

Composer Bechara El-Khoury pays homage to the victims of the bombings
5 years after the attacks of 13 November in Paris, a tribute concert was given without an audience the day before yesterday at the Philharmonie de Paris with mezzo-soprano Isabelle Druet, conductor Pierre Bleuse and the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris… with a creation whose story Charlotte Landru-Chandès tells us.
Two years ago, to pay tribute to her son Stéphane, a victim of the attacks, Louise Albertini, with her companion Julien Thomast, commissioned a work from the Fondation de France and the Franco-Lebanese composer Bechara El-Khoury.
They heard this piece, entitled Il fait novembre en mon âme, for the first time the day before yesterday. “We received this work that we had been waiting for and didn’t know about,” says Julien Thomast. We had heard no note of it, nothing at all, and the work went far beyond our expectations. The music is contemporary and responds well to the problem of the attacks, which is what Louise and I wanted. The climax of this concert was Isabelle Druet’s voice, the voice that came back after the music… we were reintroducing the human element and it was overwhelming.”