
10th February: Music, drama and sport should be part of pupils’ catch up plan, Bayreuth – Normal performance by 2022 at the latest, Paris Opera wants more diversity

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Music, drama and sport should be part of pupils’ catch up plan says new education recovery commissioner

Sir Kevan Collins, the government’s new education recovery commissioner, has said that music, drama and sport need to be factored into pupils’ catch up plan.

He said that young children ’need to learn to play together’ again, not only for the language and social skills needed for school life but also for their well-being and mental health. According to him, music should play a key part in this.

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Bayreuther Geschäftsführer: Normaler Spielbetrieb spätestens 2022

Der neue Geschäftsführer der Bayreuther Festspiele glaubt fest an eine baldige Rückkehr der Oper. «Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir wieder in einen normalen Spielbetrieb zurückfinden werden, auf jeden Fall im Jahr 2022», sagte Ulrich Jagels im Gespräch mit dem «Nordbayerischen Kurier» (Mittwoch).

«Ich glaube nicht, dass Corona zur Folge haben wird, dass die Anzahl der Musiktheaterbetriebe sinken wird», betonte Jagels. «Die Kultur wird weiterhin eine ganz große Bedeutung behalten, insbesondere auch das Live-Erlebnis. Bei allen Fortschritten, die wir in Bezug auf die Digitalisierung machen, wird es den Menschen vor allen Dingen wichtig sein, zusammenzukommen und Oper und Konzerte live zu erleben.»


Bayreuth Managing Director: Normal performance by 2022 at the latest

The new managing director of the Bayreuth Festival firmly believes that the opera will return soon. “I am convinced that we will find our way back to a normal performance schedule, definitely in 2022,” said Ulrich Jagels in an interview with the “Nordbayerischer Kurier” (Wednesday).

“I don’t believe that Coronavirus will result in the number of music theatre companies decreasing,” Jagels emphasised. “Culture will continue to retain a very great importance, especially the live experience. With all the progress we are making in terms of digitalisation, it will be important above all for people to come together and experience opera and concerts live.”

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L’Opéra de Paris veut plus de diversité dans son recrutement et son répertoire

L’Opéra de Paris va revoir ses critères de recrutement et nommer un “référent diversité“. Une décision inédite qui fait suite à la remise d’un rapport qui encourage la vénérable institution à “se projeter vers l’extérieur”. Le directeur général de l’Opéra, Alexander Neef, s’est engagé, “dès la saison 2021-2022, à une plus grande présence des artistes issus de la diversité“. Par ailleurs, un travail de contextualisation des œuvres du répertoire lyrique et de ballet sera menée auprès du public pour épingler les stéréotypes.

L’Opéra de Paris a pris lundi 8 février la décision inédite de revoir ses critères de recrutement pour encourager l’entrée de davantage d’artistes non-blancs, et annoncé la future nomination d’un “référent diversité“, comme l’a fait récemment le Metropolitan Opera de New York.

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The Paris Opera wants more diversity in its recruitment and repertoire

The Paris Opera is going to review its recruitment criteria and appoint a “diversity referent”. This unprecedented decision follows the submission of a report encouraging the venerable institution to “project itself outwards”. The Opera’s General Director, Alexander Neef, has committed, “from the 2021-2022 season to a greater presence of artists from diverse backgrounds”. In addition, work will be carried out to contextualise works from the lyric and ballet repertoires in order to pinpoint stereotypes.

On Monday 8 February, the Paris Opera took the unprecedented decision to review its recruitment criteria in order to encourage the entry of more non-white artists, and announced the future appointment of a “diversity referent”, as the Metropolitan Opera of New York recently did.

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