Music must be central to the curriculum catch-up, sector leaders urge
Sector leaders have called on the Education Secretary to ensure music education is central to the curriculum when schools fully reopen in September.
The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), Music Mark, and the Music Teachers’ Association (MTA) have written a joint letter to the Department for Education, welcoming a government commitment to maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum.
However, the letter, signed by a number of music teachers and professionals across the sector, strongly recommends that the government works closely with schools to protect the role of music education.
The letter is in response to government guidelines published earlier this month, which outline the steps schools can take to assist students in catching up following the closure of schools during lockdown

Deutsche Orchestervereinigung besorgt über Orchestermanagement-Nachwuchs
Die Deutsche Orchestervereinigung macht sich Sorgen um einen qualifizierten Nachwuchs im Orchestermanagement. Aktuell ist es zum Beispiel dem Deutschen Symphonie-Orchester Berlin nicht gelungen, innerhalb eines Jahres einen geeigneten Orchesterdirektor zu finden. „ »Das Lehrangebot für Orchestermanagement wird immer weiter ausgedünnt“, sagt Gerald Mertens, Geschäftsführer der Deutsche Orchestervereinigung. « Bundesweit gibt es nur einen einzigen Masterstudiengang für Theater- und Orchestermanagement in Frankfurt am Main.“

German Orchestra Association concerned about young orchestra management talent
The German Orchestra Association is worried about a qualified new generation in orchestra management. Currently, for example, the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin has not succeeded in finding a suitable orchestra director within a year. “The range of courses in orchestra management is being thinned out more and more,” says Gerald Mertens, Managing Director of the German Orchestra Association. ” Nationwide, there is only one master’s degree course for theatre and orchestra management in Frankfurt am Main. “
Noël 2020 : « Casse-Noisette » annulé au New York City Ballet, une première depuis 1954
Aux États-Unis, la tradition veut que les plus grandes compagnies de danse proposent des représentations de « Casse-Noisette » (Nutcracker) durant les fêtes de fin d’année mais cette année, en raison des incertitudes qui subsistent concernant l’évolution de la crise du coronavirus et des dispositions sanitaires qui seraient être mises en place, certaines ont déjà annoncé qu’elles y renoncent. Ce sera le cas du Joffrey Ballet de Chicago et, surtout, du New York City Ballet (NYCB) qui propose chaque année ce ballet depuis sa création en 1954 à Manhattan par George Balanchine, co-fondateur de la compagnie en 1928. Le Lincoln Center, dont le campus abrite le Théâtre David H. Koch, où la compagnie se produit, ayant annoncé qu’il annulait tous les événements de l’automne, la direction du NYCB n’avait d’autre choix que d’annuler ses représentations jusqu’à la fin de l’année pour reprendre en janvier 2021. Les représentations de « Casse Noisette » étaient programmées du 27 novembre au 3 janvier.

Christmas 2020: “The Nutcracker” cancelled at the New York City Ballet, a first since 1954
In the United States, the tradition is that the largest dance companies offer performances of “The Nutcracker” during the holiday season, but this year, because of the remaining uncertainties regarding the evolution of the coronavirus crisis and the health measures that would be put in place, some have already announced that they will not do so. This will be the case for Chicago’s Joffrey Ballet and, above all, the New York City Ballet (NYCB), which has offered this ballet every year since its creation in 1954 in Manhattan by George Balanchine, co-founder of the company in 1928. The Lincoln Center, whose campus houses the David H. Koch Theatre, where the company performs, having announced that it was cancelling all fall events, the NYCB management had no choice but to cancel its performances until the end of the year and resume in January 2021. Performances of The Nutcracker were scheduled from November 27 to January 3.