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Raymond Yiu to speak at conference event in London - WildKat

Raymond Yiu to speak at conference event in London

Wednesday 21st August 2013

WildKat is pleased to announce that Raymond Yiu, award-winning composer, is going to be speaking at an event in September in the Barbican, London.

‘Battle of Ideas’ will take place on Monday 27 September. It forms part of a series of events held by the Institute of Ideas, consisting of two days of high-level, thought-provoking, public debate.

The event, ‘Hipster International? Music in a Global Age’, will focus on the presentation of classical music in a modern world and will centre its debate around the ever-changing digital age versus traditional, cultural music; Is anything lost in translation? Has the digital age realised a dream of music without borders? Does it make sense to talk about musical cultures in nationalist terms?

These questions, alongside others, will be discussed at length by Raymond, along with musician and teacher Cara Bleiman, and music critic Paul Kilbey, in what will be a fascinating and thought-provoking event.

For more information about the event and to get tickets click here

Raymond Yiu 'Room 101' 2012