
29th October: Music industry reports progress on diversity, Lockdown #2: Culture Standstill in Germany and France

Thursday 29th October 2020

Music industry reports progress on diversity

The proportion of minority ethnic employees has risen from 15.6% in 2016 to 22.3% this year, according to trade body UK Music.
The report noted that representation is worse in higher-paid jobs.
Among those earning more than £100,000 per year, just 27% were women and 12.2% were not white. In low-paid jobs – where salaries are less than £15,000 – the figures were 59.4% and 33.6% respectively. Overall, female representation was at 49.6% in 2020 – roughly the same as in 2016.

UK Music, which represents the recorded and live music industry, has conducted a diversity study every two years since 2016.

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Bund und Länder beschließen Teil-Lockdown: Kultureinrichtungen sollen bis Ende November schließen

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat sich mit den Ministerpräsidenten der Länder angesichts der drastisch steigenden Corona-Infektionszahlen auf einen teilweisen Lockdown ab Montag verständigt. Gastronomiebetriebe sollen bis Ende November schließen, private Treffen auf zwei Haushalte beschränkt werden, wie Merkel nach den per Videokonferenz erfolgten Beratungen am Mittwoch in Berlin mitteilte. Ebenfalls heruntergefahren werden soll der Kultur- und Freizeitbereich. Auf nicht notwendige Reisen soll verzichtet werden, touristische Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten soll es im November nicht geben.

Schulen und Kitas sowie Geschäfte sollen dagegen unter Auflagen offen bleiben. “Wir werden alles daran setzen, um Schulen und Kitas offen zu halten”, sagte Merkel. Auch die Wirtschaft müsse soweit möglich intakt bleiben. Die Kanzlerin kündigte auch ein Hilfsprogramm für von den neuen Einschränkungen betroffene Betriebe an.

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Federal and state governments decide on partial lockdown: cultural institutions to close by the end of November

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has agreed with the Minister Presidents of the Länder on a partial lockdown as of Monday in view of the drastically increasing corona infection figures. Catering establishments are to close by the end of November, private meetings will be limited to two households, Merkel announced after the video conference in Berlin on Wednesday. The cultural and leisure sector is also to be shut down. Unnecessary travel will be avoided and there will be no tourist accommodation in November.

Schools, day-care centres and shops are to remain open subject to certain conditions. “We will do everything we can to keep schools and day-care centres open,” said Merkel. The economy must also remain intact as far as possible. The Chancellor also announced an aid programme for businesses affected by the new restrictions.

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Reconfinement : la culture à nouveau à l’arrêt

La fermeture des établissements recevant du public stoppe l’activité culturelle. Mais les structures pourront-elles maintenir des spectacles à huis clos, avec possibilité de retransmission?

Après l’Italie, ce fut au tour de l’Allemagne et de la France d’annoncer hier, mercredi 28 octobre, à quelques heures d’intervalle, la fermeture des établissements culturels. L’Europe des arts est à nouveau silencieuse. Un coup de massue pour le secteur qui se relevait déjà timidement après plusieurs mois d’interruption. La relance des spectacles n’aura donc duré que quelques semaines…

Emmanuel Macron a décidé de laisser les écoles, les collèges et les lycées ouverts. Mais tous les commerces « non essentiels » doivent eux fermer leurs portes. La culture n’est donc pas considérée comme essentielle? Le gouvernement aurait eu du mal à justifier un traitement de faveur pour un secteur et non pas, par exemple, pour la restauration. Et pourtant, ne pourrait-il pas y avoir une exception culturelle?

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Lockdown #2: culture at a standstill again

The closure of establishments receiving the public stops cultural activity. But will the structures be able to maintain shows behind closed doors, with the possibility of retransmission?

After Italy, it was the turn of Germany and France to announce yesterday, Wednesday 28 October, at a few hours’ interval, the closure of cultural establishments. The Europe of the arts is once again silent. This is a major blow for the sector, which was already recovering timidly after several months of interruption. The resumption of performances will therefore have lasted only a few weeks…

Emmanuel Macron has decided to leave schools, colleges and high schools open. But all “non-essential” businesses must close their doors. So culture is not considered essential? The government would have found it difficult to justify special treatment for one sector and not, for example, for restaurants. And yet, couldn’t there be a cultural exception?

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