
3rd July: Plans to suspend music from school, Elbphilharmonie new season, Death of Claude Mercier-Ythier

Friday 3rd July 2020

Leaked documents reveal plans to suspend music and ‘non-core’ subjects from school curriculum

When pupils in England return to school, music and other ‘non-core’ subjects could be temporarily dropped from the curriculum to allow time for catch-up in English and maths.

Leaked government plans have revealed plans to suspend ‘non-core’ subjects like music from the curriculum as schools return in September, to make time for catch-up in English and maths.

The back-to-school plan, expected to be confirmed on Thursday (today), will account for children needing to catch up after several months out of school due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Elbphilharmonie startet neue Saison am 1. September

Hamburg/Berlin (MH) – Die Hamburger Elbphilharmonie kann am 1. September die Konzertsaison 2020/21 starten. Möglich mache das die neue Corona-Verordnung des Senats, teilte das Haus am Donnerstag mit. Unter Beachtung der Abstandsregeln von 1,5 Meter könnten im Großen Saal der Elbphilharmonie bis zu 620 Plätze pro Veranstaltung genutzt werden, im Kleinen Saal 125 Sitze.

Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal

Aufgrund von Reisebeschränkungen der Künstler und Abstandsregeln auf der Bühne komme es bei vielen der bisher angekündigten Konzerte zu Umbesetzungen und Programmänderungen. Zudem werden neu angesetzte Ersatzveranstaltungen angeboten. Um möglichst vielen Gästen den Besuch zu ermöglichen, werden zahlreiche Konzerte zweimal hintereinander gespielt, etwa um 18:30 Uhr und um 21:00 Uhr.

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Elbphilharmonie, Großer Saal (Foto: © Michael Zapf)

Elbphilharmonie starts new season on 1 September

Hamburg/Berlin (MH) – The Hamburg Elbphilharmonie can start the 2020/21 concert season on September 1. This is made possible by the Senate’s new Corona Ordinance, the orchestra announced on Thursday. Taking into account the distance rules of 1.5 metres, up to 620 seats per event could be used in the Great Hall of the Elbphilharmonie, 125 seats in the Small Hall.

Elbphilharmonie Concert Hall, Great Hall

Due to travel restrictions of the artists and distance rules on stage, many of the concerts announced so far have had to be rearranged and the programme changed. In addition, newly scheduled replacement events will be offered. In order to allow as many guests as possible to attend, numerous concerts will be played twice in a row, at about 18:30 and 21:00.

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Décès du facteur de clavecins Claude Mercier-Ythier

Claude Mercier-Ythier vient de décéder à l’âge de 89 ans. Passionné de musique ancienne, il étudia en Bavière chez Kurt Wittmayer où il se perfectionna dans la facture instrumentale, ainsi que chez Neupert et chez Pleyel.
En 1962, il ouvrit à Paris une boutique spécialisée dans le clavecin : « À la corde Pincée », située au 20 rue de Verneuil dans le 7e arrondissement. À l’époque, cet évènement eut un grand retentissement dans le monde du clavecin. Il diversifia son activité et en plus de la facture d’instruments neufs y ajouta la restauration, la vente et la location d’instruments pour des concerts ou le cinéma. Au terme de quarante-cinq ans d’activité, les clavecins construits ou restaurés par Claude Mercier-Ythier se sont produits dans plus de neuf mille concerts et plus de sept cents enregistrements.

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© Claude Mercier-Ythier

Death of harpsichord maker Claude Mercier-Ythier

Claude Mercier-Ythier has just passed away at the age of 89. Passionate about early music, he studied in Bavaria with Kurt Wittmayer, where he perfected his instrument making, as well as with Neupert and Pleyel.
In 1962 he opened a harpsichord shop in Paris, “À la corde Pincée”, located at 20 rue de Verneuil in the 7th arrondissement. At the time, this event had a great impact on the harpsichord world. He diversified his activity and in addition to the making of new instruments, he also restored, sold and rented instruments for concerts and movies. After forty-five years of activity, the harpsichords built or restored by Claude Mercier-Ythier have appeared in more than nine thousand concerts and more than seven hundred recordings.

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