Surge on spending on musical instruments brings music into lockdown homes
Musical instrument sales have been impacted positively by coronavirus lockdown, a local music shop has reported. It’s one of the coronavirus clichés: that many people spending more time in their homes – and unable to go out to pubs, restaurants, concert halls, theatres or other public spaces once the UK went into ‘lockdown’ – picked up new hobbies in their droves. From learning a new language, to reading Marcel Proust – and taking up ballet lessons in between – we’ve heard of many.
And it turns out that people’s quests for hobbies have been musically-inspired, with UK sales up by 80 percent between April and June at the York- and online-based Gear4Music music shop.

Noch 10.000 Festspielkarten zu haben
Die wegen der CoV-Krise verkürzten Salzburger Festspiele haben bisher viele Eintrittskarten für ihr 100-Jahr-Jubiläumsfestival noch nicht an Mann oder Frau gebracht. Außer für die meisten Aufführungen des Jedermann sind noch Tickets für alle Veranstaltungen zu haben – in nahezu allen Preislagen.
Last-Minute-Käufe werden heuer die Regel werden. Und der neue CoV-Cluster von St. Wolfgang könnte sich auch auf das Interesse von deutschen Gästen negativ auswirken. Die Vorbereitungen laufen dennoch auf Hochtouren.
Die meisten Karten werden heuer über das Internet verkauft. Wer durch das Angebot auf der offiziellen Website blättert, der hat noch reichlich Auswahl. Selbst für Veranstaltungen, die ansonsten garantiert ausverkauft wären, gibt es Tickets – und zwar von günstig bis ganz teuer. Rund 10.000 Tickets dürften insgesamt noch im Angebot sein.

Still 10,000 festival tickets
The Salzburg Festival, shortened due to the CoV crisis, has not yet sold many tickets for its 100th anniversary festival. Except for most performances of Everyman, tickets are still available for all events – in almost all price ranges.
Last minute purchases will become the rule this year. And the new CoV cluster of St. Wolfgang could also have a negative effect on the interest of German guests. Nevertheless, preparations are running at full speed.
Most tickets will be sold via the Internet this year. Those who browse through the offer on the official website still have plenty of choice. Even for events that would otherwise be guaranteed to be sold out, tickets are available – from cheap to very expensive. About 10,000 tickets should still be on offer.
Carine Rolland nouvelle « Mme Culture » d’Anne Hidalgo à Paris
Anne Hidalgo a tranché. Moins d’une semaine après la démission surprise de son adjoint à la culture, Christophe Girard, la maire de Paris a choisi le nom de sa successeure. C’est Carine Rolland, une élue socialiste du 18e arrondissement, qui sera la nouvelle « Mme Culture » d’Anne Hidalgo, indique-t-on à l’Hôtel de ville.
Inconnue du grand public, cette femme ayant fait carrière dans le marketing et la communication, notamment au sein des groupes Lagardère et Metronews, a été élue en 2008 sur la liste socialiste du 18e arrondissement, puis réélue en 2014 et 2020. Elle a été longtemps l’adjointe à la culture du maire socialiste de l’arrondissement, et s’est occupée à ce titre de manifestations comme la Fête des vendanges de Montmartre. En juillet, Anne Hidalgo l’a fait entrer dans son équipe de la mairie centrale, comme adjointe. Chargée de la « ville du quart d’heure », un concept mis en avant durant la campagne électorale, elle avait pour mission de participer à la transformation de Paris en une capitale « où l’on trouve tout ce dont on a besoin à moins de quinze minutes de chez soi », selon la formule de la maire.

Carine Rolland new ” Mrs Culture ” of Anne Hidalgo in Paris
Anne Hidalgo made the decision. Less than a week after the surprise resignation of her deputy for culture, Christophe Girard, the mayor of Paris has chosen the name of her successor. It is Carine Rolland, a socialist elected representative of the 18th arrondissement, who will be Anne Hidalgo’s new “Mrs. Culture”, it is indicated at the Town Hall.
Unknown to the general public, this woman, who has had a career in marketing and communication, notably with the Lagardère and Metronews groups, was elected in 2008 on the 18th arrondissement’s socialist list, then re-elected in 2014 and 2020. She was for a long time the deputy for culture of the socialist mayor of the district, and in this capacity was involved in events such as the Montmartre grape harvest festival. In July, Anne Hidalgo brought her into her team at the central city hall as deputy. In charge of the “quarter-hour city”, a concept put forward during the election campaign, her mission was to participate in the transformation of Paris into a capital city “where everything you need is less than fifteen minutes away from home”, as the mayor put it.
Rhiannon Giddens to Lead Silkroad’s Musical Explorations
Trained as an opera singer, Rhiannon Giddens was a founding member of the Carolina Chocolate Drops, the acclaimed folk group. With the Chocolate Drops and as a solo artist, a virtuoso fiddler and banjo player with a soulful voice, she has delved into African-American and old-time traditions. She won a MacArthur “genius” grant in 2017 and wrote an opera based on the autobiography of Omar Ibn Said, a Muslim man from Africa who was enslaved in South Carolina. (Its planned premiere has been delayed until next year by the coronavirus pandemic.)
Now she will have a new, global curatorial canvas for her genre-skipping ideas. On Tuesday, Silkroad, the cross-cultural music organization created by Yo-Yo Ma in 1998, announced that Ms. Giddens would be its next artistic director.
“I’ve never been interested in ‘Hey, this is me, I’m singing a song,’” Ms. Giddens, 43, said by phone from her home in Ireland. “I’m more: This is the message I’m trying to transmit, if me singing it will get it out there. So this is a great opportunity to bring together what I’ve been doing and what they’ve been doing.”