Musicians still ‘falling through the gaps’ as £400m announced for struggling arts sector
UK theatres, concert halls and museums will receive a further cash injection, to help them reopen once coronavirus restrictions ease – but union says musicians are still “falling through the gaps”.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced an extra £408 million fund for the hard-hit arts and culture sector, in his 2021 Budget.
Theatres, galleries and museums in England will benefit from an additional injection to the Cultural Recovery Fund, to help them reopen once the COVID-19 roadmap allows.

Umweltbundesamt: Kultureinrichtungen könnten öffnen
Theater, Konzerthäuser und andere Kultureinrichtungen könnten unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen auch in der Pandemie so geöffnet werden, dass das Infektionsrisiko dort minimal ist.
Das geht aus einem Eckpunkte-Papier hervor, das das Umweltbundesamt am Mittwoch veröffentlicht hat. Notwendig seien ausreichend leistungsfähige Lüftungsanlagen und das Tragen medizinischer Masken.

Federal Environment Agency: Cultural institutions could open
Theatres, concert halls and other cultural institutions could, under certain conditions, also be opened during the pandemic in such a way that the risk of infection there is minimal.
This is the result of a key points paper published by the Federal Environment Agency on Wednesday. Sufficiently efficient ventilation systems and the wearing of medical masks are necessary.
Manifestation pour la culture : « nous sommes en train de crever ! » s’alarme Stanislas de Barbeyrac
Le monde culturel et les organisations de spectacles descendront dans la rue ce jeudi 4 mars à l’occasion de rassemblements dans toute la France, un an après la mise en place de mesures de restrictions concernant leur secteur d’activité. L’association UNiSSON, qui réunit des chanteuses et chanteurs lyriques indépendants, sera mobilisée.
L’un de ses porte-paroles, le ténor Stanislas de Barbeyrac, se confie à Radio Classique sur cette mobilisation et sur sa situation personnelle après une année de crise sanitaire.

Cultural demonstration: “We are dying!” Stanislas de Barbeyrac is alarmed
The cultural world and entertainment organisations will take to the streets this Thursday 4 March for rallies all over France, one year after the introduction of restrictions on their sector of activity. The UNiSSON association, which brings together independent opera singers, will be mobilised.
One of its spokespersons, tenor Stanislas de Barbeyrac, confided to Radio Classique about this mobilisation and his personal situation after a year of the health crisis.