
9th July: Musicians’ Union payments to musicians facing hardship exceed £1m, Choirs should apply for Corona funding, Classical music dominates concerts and music shows on television

Thursday 9th July 2020

Musicians’ Union payments to musicians facing hardship exceed £1m

The Hardship Fund established by the Musicians’ Union has now distributed over £1 million.

The fund provides quick turnaround grants of £200 to musicians whose work has been impacted by the Covid-19 crisis.

Since mid-June, musicians have been offered an additional top-up payment of £100.

The Union acknowledges the contribution of £100,000 made by music licensing company PPL, as well as the support from a number of initiatives including the Union’s Crowdfunder project, and its online auction.

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Chöre sollen Corona-Finanzhilfe beantragen

Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters (CDU) hat Chöre dazu aufgerufen, finanzielle Hilfe in der Coronavirus-Krise zu beantragen. Sie verwies dabei auf das Programm Neustart Kultur der Bundesregierung, in dem 150 Millionen Euro für die überwiegend privatwirtschaftlich organisierte Musikkultur vorgesehen seien. Alle privat finanzierten Chöre “sollten prüfen, ob sie im Rahmen dieses Förderprogramms Unterstützung finden können”, sagte Grütters den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe.

Die Lage der Chöre sei derzeit extrem schwierig, sagte die Kulturstaatsministerin weiter. Sie seien am härtesten getroffen. Grütters sagte, sie bewundere die Kreativität, die einige Chöre entwickelt hätten, um im Freien oder auf digitalem Wege zusammen zu singen. Sie hoffe, dass Chöre “unter den gebotenen Auflagen” bald wieder aktiv sein können.

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Choirs should apply for Corona funding

Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) has called on choirs to apply for financial help in the coronavirus crisis. In doing so, she referred to the Federal Government’s Neustart Kultur programme, in which 150 million euros are earmarked for music culture, which is predominantly organised by the private sector. All privately financed choirs “should examine whether they can find support within the framework of this funding program”, Grütters told the newspapers of the Funke Media Group.

The situation of choirs is currently extremely difficult, the Minister of State for Culture continued. They are hit the hardest. Grütters said she admired the creativity some choirs have developed in singing together outdoors or digitally. She hopes that choirs can soon be active again “under the conditions required”.

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La musique classique domine les concerts et plateaux musicaux diffusés à la télévision

L’Observatoire de la musique scrute depuis 2009 la diversité de l’offre musicale à la télévision en termes d’artistes, de genres, de répertoires musicaux, de labels, de programmes, etc. à l’aide d’un comité technique réunissant le ministère de la Culture, le CSA, la SACEM ainsi que les syndicats professionnels de l’édition et de la production phonographique.

Pour l’année 2019, ces rapports soulignent que la musique est de moins en moins présente à la télévision, même si l’augmentation de la diversité des genres et des artistes diffusés doit être soulignée. Pour la première année, la musique classique est présente dans 36,4% des concerts et des plateaux musicaux diffusés (+5,8 pts), signant la plus forte variation (+23,3 pts vs. 2009) et détrônant ainsi l’historique pop-rock sur les chaînes hertziennes.

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Classical music dominates concerts and music shows on television

Since 2009, the Observatoire de la musique has been scrutinizing the diversity of the musical offer on television in terms of artists, genres, musical repertoires, labels, programs, etc. with the help of a technical committee bringing together the Ministry of Culture, the CSA, SACEM and the professional unions of publishing and phonographic production.

For the year 2019, these reports point out that music is less and less present on television, although the increase in the diversity of genres and artists broadcast should be highlighted. For the first year, classical music is present in 36.4% of the concerts and music channels broadcast (+5.8 pts), showing the largest variation (+23.3 pts vs. 2009) and thus overtaking the pop-rock history on the terrestrial channels.

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