Musicians unite for projects supporting climate change on Earth Day
Among the Earth Day initiatives receiving support from high-profile classical musicians is Trees of Music, which is aiming to raise awareness of how the woods used for instruments relates to the environment where it is grown.
Using classical music to inspire cross-cultural collaboration and encourage respect for our forests, Trees of Music – led by master bow-maker Marco Raposo – aims to distribute 50,000 pernambuco saplings to small-scale famers in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo. Years of exploitation has resulted in the pernambuco tree, which is essential to the manufacture of musical bows, being listed as an endangered species.

Berliner Symphoniker mit Plänen für die Saison 2021/22
Sie wollen sich nicht unterkriegen lassen: als erstes Berliner Sinfonieorchester haben die Berliner Symphoniker Pläne für 2021/22 veröffentlicht. Ihre traditionelle Konzertreihe am Sonntagnachmittag in der Philharmonie soll wie vor Corona gewohnt stattfinden, eingeläutet wird die Spielzeit am 1. August mit einem Open Air in der Wuhlheide.
Die Parkbühne haben die Symphoniker bereits im vergangenen Sommer erfolgreich bespielt, diesmal steht eine Hommage an Ennio Morricone auf dem Programm. Die Sopranistin Isabell Münsch wird ihre Stimme in stratosphärische Höhen treiben, der Beatboxer Mando steuert jene charakteristischen Geräusche bei, die im kollektiven Gedächtnis ebenso mit dem Filmen verknüpft sind wie Morricones Soundtracks.

Berlin Symphony Orchestra releases plans for 2021/22 season
As the first Berlin orchestra, the Berlin Symphony Orchestra has released their plans for the 2021/22 season. Their traditional Sunday afternoon concert series at the Philharmonie will take place as usual, and the season will begin on August 1st with an open air concert at the Wuhlheide.
The symphony orchestra has already successfully performed on the Parkbühne last summer – this time, the program will include a tribute to Ennio Morricone. Soprano Isabell Münsch will drive her voice to stratospheric heights, and beatboxer Mando will provide those characteristic sounds, that are just as much associated with the movies as Morricone’s famous soundtracks.
Une partie des lieux de spectacle va rouvrir en Italie
C’est une bonne nouvelle pour nos amis transalpins : un nouveau décret du gouvernement prévoit, à compter de ce lundi 26 avril, dans une partie des régions, la réouverture de nombreux lieux publics, dont les salles de spectacle.
Elles avaient été supprimées fin mars pour faire place à des restrictions nationales ; revoici, en Italie, les zones de couleur : jaune pour un risque modéré, orange, rouge pour un risque maximal… Environ la moitié de la Péninsule devrait toutefois être placée en zone jaune et bénéficiera d’un net allègement des restrictions, alors que le pays comptabilise environ 12.000 nouveaux cas quotidiens (en France, ils sont entre 30 à 40.000).

Reopening of selected concert venues in Italy
Good news for our transalpine friends: A new government decree declares, as of Monday April 26, that many public venues including theatres will reopen in parts of some regions.
The venues had been closed at the end of March to make way for national covid restrictions. In Italy, a traffic light system has been installed: yellow for a moderate risk, then orange, and red for a maximum risk. As half of the Peninsula will soon be placed in the yellow zone, those regions will therefore benefit from a reduction of restrictions. The country has about 12,000 new cases per day at the moment (in France, that number varies between 30 to 40,000).