Music@Malling announces virtual festival

Music@Malling is taking its annual festival online from 16-18 October 2020.
The weekend will feature concerts, talks and outreach events in historic venues in and around West Malling in Kent. Concerts are available to watch online with a paywall to watch live or on catch up. All outreach events and talks are free.
Music@Malling also recently launched At Home with Music@Malling, with concerts, talks, workshops and events broadcast online. These will continue to run alongside all live events.
More information and listings can be found here.
Erstes Chorkonzert mit Publikum seit Corona: “Ein Weckruf”
Unter strengen Coronaschutz-Auflagen ist am Donnerstagabend im Konzerthaus Dortmund das bundesweit erste große Chorkonzert seit Beginn der Pandemie über die Bühne gegangen. Das Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble spielte unter der Leitung von Thomas Hengelbrock das Oratorium “Die Schöpfung” von Joseph Haydn (1732-1809). Im Saal waren knapp 90 Musiker und rund 700 Zuschauer. Der Dortmunder Intendant Raphael von Hoensbroech sprach zu Beginn von einem “Weckruf” für die Musikszene. “Dieses Konzert ist nicht nur ein Konzert, es ist ein Signal und ein lauter Ruf.” Er erntete lautstarken Applaus.
Corona dürfe nicht verharmlost werden, aber es müsse ein Weg gesucht werden, mit ihr zu leben, forderte von Hoensbroech.

First choir concert with audience since Corona: “A wake-up call”
The first major choir concert in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic took place on Thursday evening at the Konzerthaus Dortmund under strict corona protection conditions. The Balthasar Neumann Ensemble performed the oratorio “The Creation” by Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) under the direction of Thomas Hengelbrock. There were about 90 musicians and about 700 spectators in the hall. At the beginning the Dortmund director Raphael von Hoensbroech spoke of a “wake-up call” for the music scene. “This concert is not only a concert, it is a signal and a loud call.” He reaped loud applause.
Corona must not be played down, but a way to live with her must be sought, demanded von Hoensbroech.
La Cité musicale accueille sa première « master class » de chef d’orchestre
Jusqu’au 4 septembre, six jeunes chefs d’orchestre originaires du Canada, de Pologne, des Pays-Bas, du Luxembourg et de France se perfectionnent aux côtés de l’Orchestre national de Metz et de son chef, David Reiland. Une occasion unique de se confronter à la réalité.
« Dilue ton énergie ! C’est comme si tu criais « Au feu ! La maison brûle » pendant dix minutes. Il faut trouver la bonne énergie au bon moment. » Sa main suspendue, Chloé Dufresne a stoppé les quinze musiciens de l’Orchestre national de Metz pour écouter les conseils de David Reiland. Pendant quatre jours, le chef de l’Orchestre national de Metz troque son habit de chef pour celui de pédagogue, « d’éclaireur » comme il dit. Jusqu’au 4 septembre, il accompagne six jeunes chefs d’orchestre en devenir, trois femmes et trois hommes, choisis parmi 90 candidats pour participer à la première masterclass de chef d’orchestre organisée par la Cité musicale de Metz.

The Cité musicale hosts its first conductor’s masterclass
Until September 4, six young conductors from Canada, Poland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France will be perfecting their skills alongside the Orchestre national de Metz and its conductor, David Reiland. A unique opportunity to confront themselves with reality.
“Dilute your energy! It’s as if you were shouting, “Fire! The house is burning” for ten minutes. You have to find the right energy at the right time. “With her hand suspended, Chloé Dufresne stopped the fifteen musicians of the Metz National Orchestra to listen to David Reiland’s advice. For four days, the conductor of the Orchestre national de Metz swapped his conductor’s habit for that of pedagogue, “scout” as he says. Until 4 September, he accompanies six young aspiring conductors, three women and three men, chosen from among 90 candidates to take part in the first conductor’s masterclass organised by the Cité musicale de Metz.