
23rd June: New appointments to Association of British Orchestras Board, Badisches Staatstheater: Renovation is coming, Pretty Yende upset after a customs check at Roissy

Wednesday 23rd June 2021

New appointments to Association of British Orchestras Board

They are Jo Buckley, CEO of Dunedin Consort, and Paul Philbert, principal timpanist of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Chineke!.

The announcement follows the appointment in February 2021 of Leslie Kwan – founder and managing director of Lionsgate Music – and Chris Loughran – senior policy and advocacy advisor at The Halo Trust, a global landmine clearance and conflict recovery NGO.

Both Buckley and Philbert were appointed following a call for board director applications in May 2021.

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Badisches Staatstheater: Sanierung kommt

Der Karlsruher Gemeinderat hat mit einem klaren Votum für die Sanierung des Badischen Staatstheaters gestimmt. An dem 2017 erstmals beschlossenen Konzept soll festgehalten werden, obwohl die Kostenprognosen seither stark gestiegen sind.

Bei zwei Enthaltungen stimmten 43 Gemeinderäte zu, vier stimmten dagegen. Schon im nächsten Jahr soll mit der Umsetzung des Plans begonnen werden.


Badisches Staatstheater: Renovation is coming

The Karlsruhe’s municipal council has voted clearly in favour of the renovation of the Badisches Staatstheater. The concept first adopted in 2017 is to be retained, although the cost forecasts have risen sharply since then.

With two abstentions, 43 municipal councilors voted in favor, four voted against. Implementation of the plan is to begin as early as next year.

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“J’ai été fouillée comme une criminelle” : Pretty Yende bouleversée après un contrôle à Roissy

La cantatrice sud-africaine s’est fendue d’un long message sur les réseaux sociaux, où elle raconte avoir été placée lundi dans une cellule de rétention de l’aéroport Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle.

Son témoignage a entraîné un vif émoi sur les réseaux sociaux ce mardi. Dans un long message sur son compte Instagram, la chanteuse lyrique sud-africaine Pretty Yende indique avoir été contrôlée hier par le service des douanes lors de son arrivée à l’aéroport Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle, une interpellation dont elle est sortie particulièrement chamboulée. 

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“I was searched like a criminal”: Pretty Yende upset after a customs check at Roissy

The South African singer posted a long message on social networks, in which she tells of being placed in a detention cell at Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport on Monday.

Her testimony caused a stir on social networks on Tuesday. In a long message on her Instagram account, the South African lyric singer Pretty Yende said she was checked yesterday by the customs service when she arrived at Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport, a stop she was particularly upset about.

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