
7th June: New collaboration to explore diversity in the British String Quartet, Pianist Martha Argerich turns 80, Harmony Tan: From piano lessons to tennis courts

Monday 7th June 2021

New collaboration to explore diversity in the British String Quartet

Diversity and the British String Quartet is a collaboration between the Villiers Quartet and the University of Oxford, supported by TORCH as part of the Humanities Cultural Programme. In Oxford, it is led by the Faculty of Music’s Dr Joanna Bullivant and Professor Samantha Dieckmann.

The project will use the string quartet to explore debates around inclusivity and diversity, as well as controversies over representation and British musical identity at the Last Night of the Proms following the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.

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Rebellin am Flügel: Martha Argerich ist 80

Für ihre Auftritte wird sie angehimmelt, für ihre Absagen wurde sie lange gefürchtet: Immer wieder hat sich Martha Argerich Publikum und Veranstaltern in letzter Minute verweigert – und wurde trotzdem zur Starpianistin. Der Anziehungskraft Argerichs, die am Samstag (5. Juni) 80 Jahre alt wurde, können sich Zuhörer kaum entziehen.

Wenn die Argentinierin etwa für Sergei Prokofjews Klavierkonzert Nr. 3 über die Klaviatur rauscht oder das zweite der fünf Pianokonzerte Beethovens mit ihrem glasklaren Anschlag zu Gehör gibt, brechen in den Sälen rituell Ovationen aus.

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Pianist Martha Argerich turns 80

She is adored for her performances, long feared for her cancellations: Martha Argerich has repeatedly turned down audiences and organisers at the last minute – and yet she has become a star pianist. Listeners can hardly escape the appeal of Argerich, who turned 80 on Saturday (5 June).

When the Argentinean swooshes over the claviature for Sergei Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 3, or performs the second of Beethoven’s five piano concertos with her crystal-clear touch, standing ovations ritually break out in the auditoriums.

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Roland Garros : Harmony Tan, des cours de piano aux courts de tennis

Harmony Tan est l’une des 4 joueuses françaises à avoir atteint le 2e tour des Internationaux de Tennis à Roland Garros. Classée 149e joueuse mondiale, la championne parisienne est également une virtuose du piano qu’elle a étudié au conservatoire.  

Son parcours a conduit la joueuse parisienne de 23 ans sur les courts de tennis, mais il aurait pu tout aussi bien la propulser sur les scènes de concert. En effet, Harmony, un prénom prédestiné, est également une pianiste confirmée. La jeune femme a commencé à pratiquer le piano dès son plus jeune âge et l’a ensuite étudié pendant 7 ans au conservatoire.

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Harmony Tan: From piano lessons to tennis courts

Harmony Tan is one of the four French players to have reached the second round of the French Open at Roland Garros. Ranked 149th in the world, the Parisian champion is also a piano virtuoso, which she studied at the conservatory.

Her career path took the 23-year-old Parisian player to the tennis courts, but it could just as easily have taken her to the concert stage. Harmony, a predestined name, is in fact an experienced pianist. The young woman started playing the piano at a very early age and studied it for 7 years at the conservatory.

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