
30th October: New Liverpool festival to celebrate black music, “A real catastrophe for culture”, Bachelot’s latest from government press conference

Friday 30th October 2020

New festival will celebrate black music in Liverpool for Black History Month

From 5pm this evening, On Record will host a vast array of specially commissioned original content including streamed performances, exclusive in-conversation events, film screenings, podcasts and an exhibition.

The festival kicks off with a very special – and important – evening of entertainment on Friday, including performances by The Real Thing, The Christians, Jennifer John and Sense of Sound and Mic Lowry. 

It will also include a debate around black music and its significance in the past, present and future of Liverpool’s ever-evolving music scene, and will feature Africa Oyé CEO Paul Duhaney, DJ and broadcaster DJ 2Kind, The Farm’s Peter Hooton Bluecoats Artistic Director Bryan Biggs, Positive Impact’s Barbara Phillips and Liverpool’s Head of UNESCO City of Music Kevin McManus.

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“Für die Kultur eine echte Katastrophe”

Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters befürchtet angesichts neuer Corona-Beschränkungen schwere Folgen für die Kulturszene. “Ich bin in großer Sorge um die Kultur”, sagte die CDU-Politikerin in einer Stellungnahme.

Die Kultur dürfe nicht zum Opfer der Krise werden. “Leider zwingt uns die Dynamik des Infektionsgeschehens zu harten Maßnahmen”, sagte Grütters. “Doch bei allem Verständnis für die notwendigen neuen Regelungen: Für die Kultur sind die erneuten Schließungen eine echte Katastrophe.”

Kultur sei weit mehr als Freizeit und Unterhaltung. “Sie ist kein Luxus, auf den man in schweren Zeiten kurzerhand verzichten kann.” Kultur sei keine Delikatesse für Feinschmecker, sondern Brot für alle. “Und sie ist das notwendige Korrektiv in einer lebendigen Demokratie. Gerade das macht sie natürlich systemrelevant.”


“A real catastrophe for culture”

Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters fears severe consequences for the cultural scene in the face of new corona restrictions. “I am very concerned about culture,” said the CDU politician in a statement. Culture should not become a victim of the crisis. “Unfortunately, the dynamic nature of the infection forces us to take tough measures,” said Grütters. “But with all understanding for the necessary new regulations: The renewed closings are a real catastrophe for culture.”

Culture is much more than leisure and entertainment. “It is not a luxury that you can simply do without in difficult times.” Culture is not a delicacy for gourmets, but bread for everyone. “And it is the necessary corrective in a living democracy. That is of course what makes it systemically relevant.”

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Qu’a dit Roselyne Bachelot lors de la conférence de presse du gouvernement?

En un peu plus de trois minutes, la ministre de la Culture a évoqué les contours de la vie culturelle pendant le confinement à venir. Tour d’horizon des annonces qui concernent le monde musical.

Tout d’abord, je veux dire que nous pensons tous aux artistes, aux auteurs, aux techniciens, aux organisateurs d’évènements et de spectacles, aux cinémas, aux commerces culturels. » C’est une Roselyne Bachelot manifestement émue qui a pris la parole pendant la conférence de presse du gouvernement fixant, ce 29 octobre 2020, les contours des prochaines semaines de confinement… Un confinement, rappelle-t-elle, « d’autant plus cruel que [les acteurs du monde culturel] avaient fait des efforts colossaux pour s’adapter au couvre-feu.

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What did Roselyne Bachelot say at the government press conference?

In just over three minutes, the Minister of Culture spoke of the contours of cultural life during the upcoming confinement. Read an overview of Bachelot’s announcements concerning the musical world.

“First of all, I want to say that we all think of artists, authors, technicians, organizers of events and shows, cinemas, cultural businesses. “It is an obviously moved Roselyne Bachelot who spoke during the press conference of the government fixing, this October 29, 2020, the contours of the next weeks of confinement … A confinement, she recalls,” of all the more cruel that [the actors of the cultural world] had made colossal efforts to adapt to the curfew. “

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