Violinist Christian Li becomes youngest ever Decca Classics signing

Decca Classics has today announced its youngest ever signing, 12-year old Australian-Chinese violinist Christian Li. Li first picked up a violin aged five, before coming to international attention in 2018 as the youngest ever winner of the Menuhin competition at just ten years old. Last year he made acclaimed debuts with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, as well as giving UK debut recitals at the Cheltenham, Harrogate and Gower International Festivals.
His first release on Decca Classics, out now, is a recording of Antonio Bazzini’s La ronde des lutins (Dance of the Goblins). Other violinists who have recorded the work include Itzhak Perlman, Maxim Vengerov and Yehudi Menuhin.
Tokyo Symphony Orchestra nimmt Konzerte wieder auf
Das Tokyo Symphony Orchestra ist das erste professionelle Orchester in Tokio, das seine Auftritte wieder aufnimmt, nachdem die Regierung die Organisatoren am 26. Februar gebeten hatte, für mehr als drei Wochen auf die Durchführung einer Großveranstaltung zu verzichten. Morgen, Samstag, 21. Februar, um 14 Uhr, spielt das TSO ein komplettes Ravel-Programm unter der Leitung von Norichika Iimori.
Andere japanische Orchester werden die Konzerte in den nächsten zwei Wochen wieder aufnehmen.
Tokyo Symphony Orchestra resumes concerts
The Tokyo Symphony Orchestra is the first professional orchestra in Tokyo to restart performances after the government asked organizers on February 26 to refrain from holding a major events for over three weeks. Tomorrow, Saturday 21 at 2 p.m. the TSO will play an entire Ravel program conducted by Norichika Iimori.
Other Japanese orchestras will resume concerts in the next two weeks.
Le Metropolitan Opera de New York annule le reste de sa saison
Le Metropolitan Opera de New York a annoncé qu’il annule le reste de sa saison en raison de la pandémie de coronavirus et qu’il va lancer une campagne de financement d’urgence afin de couvrir une perte qui pourrait atteindre 60 millions de dollars. Selon le New York Times, cette décision, intervient alors que la veille, le Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York avait annoncé qu’il resterait fermé au moins jusqu’en juillet et devrait faire face à un déficit de près de 100 millions de dollars. « Nous faisons de notre mieux dans une situation horriblement difficile », a déclaré Peter Gelb, le directeur général du Met Opera

New York’s Metropolitan Opera cancels the rest of its season
The New York Metropolitan Opera has announced that it is cancelling the rest of its season due to the coronavirus pandemic and will launch an emergency fundraising campaign to cover a loss of up to $60 million. According to the New York Times, this decision comes after the day before the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York announced that it would remain closed at least until July and face a deficit of nearly $100 million. “We are doing our best in a horribly difficult situation,” said Peter Gelb, the Met Opera’s General Director.