In today’s news: New York Philharmonic plays without conductor, shortlist for Classic Brit Award Sound Poll revealed, the music genre that makes us most indulgent when eating out is revealed, premiere of Brokeback Mountain opera, Port Fairy Spring Music Festival appoints Violinist Monica Curro and pianist and composer Stefan Cassomenos as next Artistic Directors, and young singers wanted for children’s opera in Hamburg.
The Times
Follow that violinist: New York Philharmonic plays without a conductor
The New York Philharmonic was directed by its concertmaster, Frank Huang, from his position leading the first violins, instead of a conductor.
Classic FM
Classic BRIT Awards Sound of Classical poll shortlist revealed
Five future classical stars have been shortlisted in the first ever Sound of Classical poll, with the winner to be revealed at the Classic BRIT Awards on June 13th.
The New York Times
‘I’ll Have the Cake.’ The Music Made Me Do It.
People were more likely to pick unhealthful or calorie-laden items when the ambient music was loud, and healthful items when softer music was played.
Is Opera Dying? No, But This One Is Staged Among the Dead
A new series, opening with David Hertzberg’s “The Rose Elf,” will produce classical performances in the narrow catacomb at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.
The Independent
While the core classical menu is dependable as ever, there’s also plenty of imaginative programming by the BBC this year.
First Look at the U.S. Premiere of Brokeback Mountain Opera
The U.S. premiere of Charles Wuorinen and Annie Proulx’s operatic adaptation of Brokeback Mountain opens May 31 at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Rose Theater.
Port Fairy Spring Music Festival appoints next Artistic Directors
Violinist Monica Curro and pianist and composer Stefan Cassomenos will jointly succeed Iain Grandage as Artistic Directors of the Port Fairy Spring Music Festival from 2019, after Grandage’s final Port Fairy Festival taking place this year.
David Angus extends contract with Boston Lyric Opera
63-year-old British conductor David Angus has signed a three-year renewal to his contract as Music Director for Boston Lyric Opera (BLO), taking him through the 2020/21 season.
Was ist noch privat? Musiktheater-Biennale beginnt in München
Wie verändert sich im digitalen Zeitalter die Bedeutung des Begriffs «Privatsache»? Mit 15 Uraufführungen widmet sich die 16. «Münchener Biennale» ab Samstag (2. Juni) dieser Frage.
Mikis Theodorakis wird Ehrendoktor der Universität Salzburg
Der griechische Komponist Mikis Theodorakis wird mit der Ehrendoktorwürde in Philosophie der Universität Salzburg ausgezeichnet. Theodorakis soll damit auch für seine zeitlose Musik und sein Einsatz für die Menschenrechte geehrt werden.
Klassik Heute
opera piccola: Junge Sängerinnen und Sänger für Kinderoper gesucht
Für die Kinderoper Schneewittchen in der Reihe opera piccola sucht die Staatsoper Hamburg junge Talente, die bei den Vorstellungen im Februar 2019 mitwirken wollen.
Platea Magazine
La Filarmónica de Berlín y Simon Rattle llegan a Madrid y Barcelona en su gira europea
La Berliner Philharmoniker recalará el próximo jueves 7 en el Auditorio Nacional de Madrid y el viernes 8 en el Palau de la Música de Barcelona.
Floods cost Houston Grand Opera $15 million
— Classical Music News (@CIassicalMusic) May 31, 2018

Frank Huang directs his fellow musicians as leader of the first violins © HIROYUKI ITO/GETTY IMAGES