
17th July: Philharmonic Beyond the Park, Studies of Sentiment and Music and Hair on a G String

Wednesday 17th July 2013

The Telegraph

Nobuyuki Tsujii: ‘The piano is an extension of my own body’

This year’s Proms feature a blind pianist who is mobbed by groupies in his native Japan. Nobuyuki Tsujii talks to Ivan Hewett.

Tom Russell and a case of restless curiosity

Tom Russell has a new album out with the Norwegian Wind Ensemble. Here he talks about songwriting, literature, art and why he chose music instead of academia.

The New York Times

A Conductor Puts Himself Out There, Beyond the Parks

Alan Gilbert Shapes a Legacy of Change at the Philharmonic

The Irish Times

‘Horrid’ music: The dark side of the concert hall

The idea that classical music ought to be ‘nice’ has gained an alarming currency. Thank goodness, then, for ‘uneasy listening’ numbers performed at the Summer Baroque Festival

Limelight Magazine

Proms 2013 (or how to enjoy 75 concerts for absolutely nothing)

The Festival that reaches well beyond “the sea itself” launches in style.

Classic FM

‘Human hair quartet’ promote shampoo with performance

Never mind Air on a G string; this is HAIR on a G string – and it’s sounding pretty good…

Sad music makes us happy

Minor music is sad, and major music is happy, right? It’s never been that simple – and a new study sheds more light on the link between music and emotions.

Der Tagesspiegel

Die ABC-Schützen

Premieren sind wichtig – die meisten Abende aber bestreiten die Berliner Opernhäuser aus dem Repertoire. Was 2013/14 immer noch gut ist.


The New York Times