Winners Announced For The Kathleen Ferrier Awards 2021

The awards, hosted by BBC Radio 3 presenter, Martin Handley, saw first prize given to Hugh Cutting, with the second prize awarded to Laura Peresivana.
This year’s first prize of £12,500 was won by British countertenor Hugh Cutting, a member of the Royal College of Music International Opera Studio and a Vocal Masters graduate of the Royal College of Music.
Ferrier chairman, Valerie Beale, said: ‘after a strong competition we are delighted that Hugh Cutting is joining the distinguished and exclusive club of Kathleen Ferrier winners. We look forward to seeing where this journey takes him.’
Latvian soprano Laura Peresivana won the second prize of £6,000, with the Ferrier Loveday Song Prize going to of £5,000 went to British mezzo Helen Charlston.
The Accompanist’s Prize of £5000, funded by the charity Help Musicians, went to Israeli pianist Ilan Kurtser.
Un nouveau poste pour Ariane Matiakh – Württemberg Philharmonic
La cheffe française prendra ses fonctions de directrice musicale en Allemagne à partir de la saison 2022-2023.

Ariane Matiakh to become music director of Württemberg Philharmonic
The French conductor will take up her position as music director in Germany from the 2022-2023 season.
Festspielhaus Baden-Baden will Festival-Labor werden
Das Festspielhaus Baden-Baden setzt im neuen Jahr voll auf Festivals und will das Publikum stärker beteiligen. Acht Festivals sind für 2022 geplant, darunter bekannte wie die Osterfestspiele mit den Berliner Philharmonikern um Chefdirigent Kirill Petrenko und das SWR3 New Pop Festival. Mit «The World of John Neumeier» gibt es ein neues Tanzfestival. Vor allem junges Publikum soll mit einem «Takeover»-Festival angesprochen werden. Dabei könnten Interessierte unter anderem mit einem DJ und Vogelkundler durch den Stadtwald spazieren und die Verbindung von Natur und Kultur suchen.

Festspielhaus Baden-Baden wants to become a ‘festival laboratory’
In the new year, the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden is fully committed to festivals and wants to involve the audience more.
Eight festivals are planned for 2022, including well-known ones such as the Easter Festival with the Berlin Philharmonic under chief conductor Kirill Petrenko and the SWR3 New Pop Festival. With “The World of John Neumeier” there is a new dance festival. Young audiences in particular are to be addressed with a “Takeover” festival. Among other things, those interested could walk through the city forest with a DJ and bird-watcher and look for the connection between nature and culture.
Boston Symphony Orchestra Musicians To Donate $10,000 To Musicians Of The Springfield Symphony Orchestra

The Musicians of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra have received a $10,000 donation pledge from their counterparts at the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
According to Beth Welty, a violinist and MOSSO co-founder, “James Markey, BSO trombonist and Chair of the BSO Players’ Committee, informed us that this gift is being sent ‘with sincere and heartfelt support.’ We are deeply moved and grateful for this wonderful gesture of solidarity from our fellow musicians in Boston.”
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