Warner Classics signs tenor Pene Pati

Warner Classics has signed an exclusive contract with the Samoan tenor Pene Pati, with his first release on the label scheduled for Spring 2022.
A Samoan who grew up in New Zealand, Pati is a graduate of San Francisco Opera’s prestigious Adler Program and has risen quickly since his 2017 debut, singing the Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto at the San Francisco Opera.
Pati won prizes in a series of major singing competitions, including first prize at the Montserrat Caballé International Aria Competition and the Joan Sutherland & Richard Bonynge Bel Canto Award. Now, the 2021/22 season brings his debuts at the Paris Opéra, Wiener Staatsoper, Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Staatsoper Berlin, Aix-en-Provence Festival, and San Diego Opera.
Ampel-Koalition will Kultur zum Staatsziel machen
Die Koalition aus SPD, Grünen und FDP will Kultur in Deutschland zum staatlichen Auftrag machen.Die Partner wollen sich für eine «starke Kulturszene und Kreativwirtschaft» ebenso einsetzen wie für eine «diskriminierungsfreie Kultur- und Medienpolitik». Für die soziale Sicherung freischaffender Künstlerinnen, Künstler und Kreativer sollen Mindesthonorierungen in Förderrichtlinien des Bundes aufgenommen werden.

Traffic light coalition wants to make culture a state objective
The coalition of SPD, Greens, and FDP want to make culture in Germany a state mandate. The partners want to support a “strong cultural scene and creative industries” as well as a “non-discriminatory cultural and media policy”. They also aim to support the social security of freelance artists and creative workers, minimum fees are to be included in federal funding guidelines.
Renouvelé jusqu’en 2027, Pierre Audi annonce le Festival d’Aix 2022
Directeur du Festival International d’Art Lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence renouvelé la semaine dernière pour un second mandat (2024-2027), Pierre Audi annonce 10 productions lyriques (dont 7 mises en scène), du 4 au 23 juillet 2022 :
La programmation 2022 s’inscrit toujours dans l’histoire du Festival avec un répertoire allant du baroque au contemporain en passant par Mozart, mais aussi dans la continuité du projet établi par Pierre Audi avec des metteurs en scène renommés de la scène théâtrale moderne.

Pierre Audi announces the 2022 Festival d’Aix
Director of the International Festival of Lyric Art in Aix-en-Provence, (2024-2027), Pierre Audi has announced 10 lyrical productions (including 7 stagings), from 4 to 23 July 2022.
The 2022 programme is still in line with the history of the Festival, with a repertoire ranging from the Baroque to the contemporary via Mozart, but also in the continuity of the project established by Pierre Audi, with renowned directors of the modern theatre scene.
The Classical Grammy Nominations 2022

Grammy voters got their list of nominated choices yesterday, which, in the classical real means a grand total of 13 categories, including Best Engineered Recording and Producer of the Year, out of a total 86, ranging from rap to Latin to jazz, country, Christian, Broadway, film etc.
Among orchestral forays, the Pittsburgh, Philadelphia (for Florence Price symphonies), Nashville, Seattle, and San Francisco symphonies weigh-in, and opera recordings up for “Best” include two by the Metropolitan and one each for Opera Philadelphia, the London Symphony Orchestra, and Helsinki Philharmonic.
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Roselyne Bachelot announces that aid for performing arts will be conditional on commitments