Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WPVCARDMain has a deprecated constructor in /home/ on line 33
Classical & Cultural News - WildKat
WildKat PR at the Proms – 2013, Our Conclusions

Friday 6th September '13

During this year's Proms, WildKat PR spent a week outside the Royal Albert Hall asking queuing prommers their opinion on developing technologies vs. the classical music industry. Our findings were maybe not as varied as …

6th September: Beethoven app, Vanessa-Mae skis and Joyce Donato dedicates Proms performance to LGBT community

Friday 6th September '13

The Guardian How we made the Beethoven's 9th Symphony app The mind behind this immersive classical music app tells story of its design, development and delivery. The Independent Proms star soloist Joyce Donato to sing for 'voices silenced' over gay …

WildKat PR at the Proms 2013 – Day Four

Thursday 5th September '13

With the new technologies emerging and overspilling into the industry, WildKat PR went along to this year’s exciting BBC Proms to ask the queuing Prommers their opinion on how the classical music industry is being …

WildKat PR at BBC Proms 2013 – Day Three

Thursday 5th September '13

With the new technologies emerging and overspilling into the industry, WildKat PR went along to this year’s exciting BBC Proms to ask the queuing Prommers their opinion on how the classical music industry is being …

23rd Feb: New BBC Symphony orchestra chief conductor, Sascha Goetzel and Max Raabe

Thursday 23rd February '12

    GramophoneSakari Oramo named BBC Symphony chief conductor designateSucceeds Jiří Bělohlávek at the 2013 BBC PromsConcerts for babiesIs it ever too early to introduce your child to live classical music?BBC Music Mag Sascha GoetzelThe Viennese conductor of …
