International Classical Music Award 2018 für Herbert Blomstedts neuen Beethoven-Zyklus

Friday 19th January '18

„Ein Zyklus mit Referenzcharakter.” (Crescendo)„Dies ist die Kunst eines Musikers, der nichts zu beweisen versucht. Mit 90 Jahren ist Blomstedt unglaublich jung, frisch und modern, aber er hat etwas fast unbeschreibliches, das in einer Ära …

Die Eröffnung der Elbphilharmonie – Ein Einblick in die Presse

Tuesday 17th January '17

Alle sprechen darüber. In der Klassikwelt gibt es in diesen Tagen kaum ein anderes Thema als das neue Wahrzeichen Hamburgs: Am vergangenen Mittwoch wurde die neue Elbphilharmonie feierlich eröffnet und damit eine neue Ära eingeläutet.Die …

21st July: Halle orchestra’s new payment system, Noga Quartet wins Melbourne Competition, candidates named for Joseph Joachim Violin Competition

Tuesday 21st July '15

Classical News In today's news, the Halle orchestra invites audience to pay what they feel concert was worth, the Noga Quartet wins the Melbourne Chamber Music Competition and the candidates are named for 2015 Joseph Joachim International …

31st March: Why the arts funding system doesn’t work, Birmingham Opera Company, Helmut Dietl dies at the age of 70

Tuesday 31st March '15

Classical News Telegraph Why the arts funding system doesn't work The experience of Mid Wales Opera demonstrates the drawbacks of arts funding in Britain, says Rupert Christiansen 9/11 opera Between Worlds envisages what happened inside the towers Opera has always …

9th March: Women composers, Cheltenham Music Festival, Game Developers Conference in San Francisco

Monday 9th March '15

Classical News Guardian Women composers: genius is gender blind – and so should we be Classical music’s past might be dominated by men, but we can ensure its future isn’t. I’m delighted to be part of Radio 3’s …

20th October: Protest against Met’s Klinghoffer opera, Critics’ Circle Awards 2014, Fight over Bayreuth Festival, new Music Director and Chief Conductor at Prague Philharmonia Emmanuel Villaume

Monday 20th October '14

Classical News The GuardianRudy Giuliani expected to join protest against Met's Klinghoffer operaNew York’s Metropolitan Opera is bracing for its most tumultuous opening in decades on Monday, as protesters get ready to picket The Death of …
