16th August: Lockouts, Openings and Summits.

Thursday 16th August '12

Classic FMBenjamin Grosvenor's extracurricular activities Jamie Crick talks to the 20 year old pianist and conductor Benjamin Grosvenor.Arts Journal Russia's foremost chorus conductor has died  A memorial concert for Boris Tevlin has been announced for September 6th …

10th August: Underwater Singing, Closing Ceremonies and The Future of Opera

Friday 10th August '12

Arts Journal- Slipped Disc 11 opera musicians sacked in Barcelona as Euro crunch kicks in The Liceo opera has laid off 11 musicians from its orchestra.So there was this mezzo who put her head down and … A …

17th July: Soaring television ratings and resignations

Tuesday 17th July '12

Classic FM Jon Lord Dies at age 71Composer and Keyboard Player and Deep Purple founder Jon Lord dies at age 71Arts Journal- Slipped Disc Breaking: Swiss orchestra chief is gone almost before he got going Miguel Esteban, director …
