Coronavirus: NI arts sector facing ‘devastation’
Arts and entertainment venues and organisations across Northern Ireland are facing “devastation”. That is according to 37 leading venues and organisations including theatres, festivals and arts centres.
They are calling for £33m received by the executive in July as part of a UK government package for arts venues to be spent “in the coming weeks”.
In a letter to every MLA, they warn venues will close and jobs will be lost if that support does not arrive. Theatres and concert venues in Northern Ireland have not yet been given a date to reopen to audiences.

Kaftan unterzeichnet Vertragsverlängerung in Bonn
Dirk Kaftan bleibt fünf weitere Jahre Generalmusikdirektor des Beethoven-Orchesters Bonn. Am Mittwoch unterzeichnete der Dirigent mit Oberbürgermeister Ashok Sridharan (CDU) und Kulturdezernentin Birgit Schneider-Bönninger seinen neuen Vertrag. Damit bleibt der 49-Jährige über 2022 hinaus bis 2027 im Amt.
Kaftan bezeichnete die Vertragsverlängerung als Ansporn. “Durch das ausgesprochene Vertrauen können wir nun begonnene Projekte fortführen und nachhaltig weitere Träume verwirklichen”, sagte er.

Kaftan signs extension of contract in Bonn
Dirk Kaftan remains General Music Director of the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn for another five years. On Wednesday, the conductor signed his new contract with Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan (CDU) and Birgit Schneider-Bönninger, Head of the Department of Culture. The 49-year-old will thus remain in office beyond 2022 until 2027.
Kaftan described the extension of the contract as an incentive: “Thanks to the expressed confidence, we can now continue projects that have already been started and realise further dreams in the long term,” he said.
Le chef d’orchestre Patrick Davin est mort
Créateur de très nombreux opéras contemporains, le chef belge âgé de 58 ans a été subitement foudroyé juste avant une répétition à la Monnaie de Bruxelles.Belge de naissance, c’est dans son pays que Patrick Davin aura fait une grande partie de sa carrière, notamment à la Monnaie de Bruxelles. C’est dans ce même théâtre qu’il est mort subitement ce 9 septembre, à l’âge de 58 ans, juste avant d’entamer une répétition de l’opéra tragiquement intitulé Is this the end ?, écrit par son compatriote Jean-Luc Fafchamps.
Elève de Pierre Boulez et Peter Eötvös
Né à Huy, non loin de Liège, formé aux conservatoires de cette même ville et de Toulon, il avait suivi l’enseignement de Pierre Boulez et de Peter Eötvös pour la direction d’orchestre, deux personnalités qui l’éveillèrent à la musique d’aujourd’hui. Ce penchant l’amena à assurer de nombreuses créations, notamment à l’opéra. Rien qu’à la Monnaie, il a dirigé quasi tous les ouvrages lyriques de Philippe Boesmans : Au monde, Pinocchio, Yvonne, Princesse de Bourgogne, Reigen, Wintermärchen.
Il a aussi assuré les créations mondiales de The Woman Who Walked into Doors et The house of the Sleeping Beauties de Kris Defoort, L’Uomo dal fiore in bocca de Luc Brewaeys ou encore La Dispute de Benoît Mernier.

Conductor Patrick Davin has died
Creator of numerous contemporary operas, the 58-year-old Belgian conductor was suddenly struck by lightning just before a rehearsal at the Monnaie de Bruxelles.Belgian by birth, Patrick Davin spent a large part of his career in his own country, notably at the Monnaie de Bruxelles. It was in this same theatre that he died suddenly on 9 September, at the age of 58, just before starting a rehearsal of the opera tragically entitled Is this the end? written by his compatriot Jean-Luc Fafchamps.
Pupil of Pierre Boulez and Peter Eötvös
Born in Huy, not far from Liège, trained at the conservatories of the same city and of Toulon, he had followed the teaching of Pierre Boulez and Peter Eötvös for conducting, two personalities who awakened him to the music of today. This inclination led him to conduct numerous creations, notably in the opera. At La Monnaie alone, he has conducted almost all the operatic works of Philippe Boesmans: Au monde, Pinocchio, Yvonne, Princesse de Bourgogne, Reigen, Wintermärchen.
He has also directed the world premieres of The Woman Who Walked into Doors and The house of the Sleeping Beauties by Kris Defoort, L’Uomo dal fiore in bocca by Luc Brewaeys and La Dispute by Benoît Mernier.