Nuns storm classical charts as ancient plainchant strikes a chord in pandemic times
It might come as no surprise that the ethereal sound of nuns’ traditional plainchant has resonated with listeners across the globe in 2020, with many of us in need of a beautiful moment of music amid rather turbulent times.
But this community of 23 nuns living in the south of England have found themselves unexpected recording stars.
Their spiritual album, Light for the World, took the No.1 spot in both the Classical Artist Album Chart and Classical Specialist Album Chart after its release in October.

Va-t-il falloir annuler les festivals de l’été 2021 ?
Alors que le gouvernement ne se cache plus de naviguer à vue pour les mois qui viennent, les professionnels de la musique classique réaffirment que les protocoles sanitaires stricts mis en place permettent de rouvrir les salles dès lors que l’épidémie n’échappe pas à tout contrôle. Ils demandent aussi une anticipation des mesures d’aide afin de ne pas condamner d’emblée la fin de saison et les festivals.
Ce devait être une réunion technique entre les collaborateurs de la ministre et les professionnels du spectacle vivant, ce vendredi 8 janvier, à laquelle Roselyne Bachelot s’est pourtant conviée. Sans surprise, l’hôte de la rue de Valois a confirmé le constat formulé la veille par le Premier ministre Jean Castex, et par son collègue et successeur à la santé, Olivier Véran. « Les chiffres sont mauvais. »

Will it be necessary to cancel the festivals in the summer of 2021?
While the government is no longer hiding from sight for the coming months, classical music professionals are reaffirming that the strict health protocols in place will allow the venues to be reopened as soon as the government gets a hold on things. They also ask for immediate relief aid and measures in order to not to condemn the end of the season and the festivals from the outset.
It was supposed to be a normal meeting between the Minister’s staff and the professionals of the performing arts, this Friday 8th January, to which Roselyne Bachelot was nevertheless invited. Unsurprisingly, the rue de Valois host confirmed the observation made the day before by Prime Minister Jean Castex, and by his colleague and successor in health, Olivier Véran.
Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival vergibt Hindemith-Preis 2021
Der Hindemith-Preis 2021 geht an den türkischen Komponisten Mithatcan Öcal. Dies gab das Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival bekannt. Der mit 20.000 Euro dotierte Preis zeichnet herausragende zeitgenössische Komponisten aus. Der 28-jährige Komponist überzeugte die Jury bei der Auswahl mit seiner musikalische Tiefe und Reife. Durch die feine Nuanciertheit in der Instrumentation, die harmonische Gestaltung und den besonderen musikalischen Ausdruck berühre er sein Publikum auf unmittelbare Art und Weise, so die Begründung von Dr. Christian Kuhnt, Intendant des Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival.
Neben Mithatcan Öcal soll Ende August auch Stefan Hanke, Träger des 31. Hindemith-Preises aus vergangenem Jahr, ausgezeichnet werden. Dessen Ehrung war im vergangenen Jahr Corona-bedingt ausgefallen. Übergeben werden beide Auszeichnungen von Schleswig-Holsteins Kultusministerin Karin Prien.

Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival awards Hindemith Prize 2021
The Hindemith Prize 2021 will go to the Turkish composer Mithatcan Öcal. This was announced by the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival. The prize, endowed with 20,000 euros, honours outstanding contemporary composers. The 28-year-old composer convinced the jury with his musical depth and maturity. Dr Christian Kuhnt, artistic director of the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, said that his finely nuanced instrumentation, harmonic composition and special musical expression touched his audience in an immediate way.
In addition to Mithatcan Öcal, Stefan Hanke, winner of the 31st Hindemith Prize last year, will also be honoured at the end of August. His award was cancelled last year due to Coronavirus. Both awards will be presented by Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister of Culture Karin Prien.