The O2 to host Pete Tong Ibiza Classics livestream next month
The O2 is set to host its first music event since March with an Ibiza Classics livestream by Pete Tong, The Heritage Orchestra and Jules Buckley.
The show, which will not be open to fans, will be available to watch on LiveNow on Saturday, December 19.
Christian D’Acuna, The O2 ‘s programming director, said: “We are very excited that Pete Tong, The Heritage Orchestra and Jules Buckley are returning to The O2 with their Ibiza Classics show for a fifth consecutive year – no pandemic will get in the way of this annual tradition.

Anne-Sophie Mutter sammelt Spenden für Musiker
Die Stargeigerin Anne-Sophie Mutter (57) möchte mit Auftritten in Gottesdiensten auf die Lage freiberuflicher Musiker in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie aufmerksam machen und Spenden sammeln.
“Musik ist ein Refugium, eine Quelle der Kraft, des Trostes sowie leuchtender Hoffnung und tiefer Gemeinschaftserlebnisse”, sagte die Geigerin laut einer Mitteilung vom Dienstag. “Bitte unterstützen Sie diejenigen, die Ihnen dieses Geschenk machen und wegen Corona in Existenznot geraten sind. Helfen auch Sie bitte mit, dass die Deutsche Orchesterstiftung Nothilfe leisten kann.”

Anne-Sophie Mutter collects donations for musicians
The star violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter (57) would like to draw attention to the situation of freelance musicians in times of the Corona pandemic by performing in church services and collecting donations.
“Music is a refuge, a source of strength, comfort, as well as radiant hope and deep community experiences,” said the violinist in a statement on Tuesday. “Please support those who give you this gift and who have fallen into existential need because of Corona. Please also help to ensure that the German Orchestra Foundation can provide emergency aid.
L’Opéra de Paris lance son propre service de vidéos à la demande
Sobrement baptisée “L’Opéra chez soi”, cette plateforme numérique puise dans le catalogue des captations effectuées depuis 2012, tout en proposant des retransmissions en direct.
L’épidémie de Covid-19, après les grèves contre la réforme des retraites, a achevé de ternir l’exercice 2020 de l’Opéra de Paris, plombé par au moins 145 spectacles annulés et 50 millions d’euros de déficit. Cette crise sanitaire « nous conduit à nous adapter et à nous réinventer », a relevé le 20 novembre le directeur général de l’établissement, Alexander Neef, lors de sa première conférence de presse – une visioconférence, évidemment – depuis son entrée en fonction.

The Paris Opera launches its own video-on-demand service
Soberly named “L’Opéra chez soi”, this digital platform draws from the catalogue of recordings made since 2012, while offering live broadcasts.
The Covid-19 epidemic, after the strikes against the pension reform, has ended up tarnishing the Paris Opera’s 2020 financial year, plagued by at least 145 cancelled shows and a 50 million euro deficit. This health crisis “leads us to adapt and reinvent ourselves”, noted the establishment’s General Director, Alexander Neef, on 20 November during his first press conference – a videoconference, of course – since he took office.