A woman will conduct the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra for the first time
Ukrainian Oksana Lyniv will be at the lectern for a new production of the Ghost Ship in 2021.
This summer, for the first time since the end of World War II, the Bayreuth Festival has been cancelled. In any case one that is dear to the hearts of the Wagnerians – since the countertenor Max Emanuel Cencic was able, for his part, to premiere a new Baroque opera festival in the idyllic setting of the Margrave Theatre.
Katharina Wagner, the composer’s great-granddaughter and patroness of the event dedicated to her grandfather, who was away from her responsibilities for several months due to serious health problems, returned a few days ago. She confirmed, in the German press, that the 2021 edition will indeed take place, with all the necessary health precautions. Several hypotheses are on the table, including that of recording the choir in order to respect the constraints of physical distance on the stage.

Une femme va diriger pour la première fois l’orchestre du Festival de Bayreuth
L’Ukrainienne Oksana Lyniv sera au pupitre pour une nouvelle production du Vaisseau fantôme en 2021.
Cet été, pour la première fois depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Festival de Bayreuth a été annulé. En tout cas celui qui est cher aux cœur des wagnériens – puisque le contre-ténor Max Emanuel Cencic a pu, de son côté, étrenner un nouveau festival d’opéra baroque dans le cadre idyllique du théâtre des Margraves.
Eloignée de ses responsabilités pendant plusieurs mois en raison de graves problèmes de santé, Katharina Wagner, arrière-petite fille du compositeur et patronne de la manifestation dédiée à son aïeul, a fait son retour il y a quelques jours. Elle a confirmé, dans la presse allemande, que l’édition 2021 aura bien lieu, avec toutes les précautions sanitaires requises. Plusieurs hypothèses sont sur la table, y compris celle qui consisterait à enregistrer le chœur afin de respecter les contraintes de distanciation physique sur le plateau.
New York Metropolitan Opera paid conductor James Levine high compensation
The conductor James Levine, who was dismissed by the New York Metropolitan Opera, has received 3.5 million US dollars (around 2.98 million euros) from his former employer. The New York Times published the details of the out-of-court settlement between the parties in dispute, which had previously been kept secret.
Previously, it had been agreed to keep the exact circumstances of the mediation confidential. Levine, who had been dismissed for accusations of sexual abuse, had even demanded two million dollars more compensation.
The reason for this was that the Opera had stopped making payments to him after the allegations arose, but there was no basis for this in his contract.

New Yorker Metropolitan Opera zahlte Dirigent James Levine hohe Entschädigung
Der von der New Yorker Metropolitan Opera entlassene Dirigent James Levine hat von seinem vormaligen Arbeitgeber 3,5 Millionen US-Dollar (rund 2,98 Millionen Euro) erhalten. Die bislang geheim gehaltenen Details über die außergerichtliche Einigung zwischen den streitenden Parteien veröffentlichte die New York Times.
Zuvor war über die genauen Umstände der Mediation Stillschweigen vereinbart worden. Levine, der wegen Vorwürfen des sexuellen Missbrauchs entlassen worden war, hatte sogar noch zwei Millionen Dollar mehr Entschädigung gefordert.
Grund dafür war, dass die Oper nach Aufkommen der Vorwürfe Zahlungen an ihn eingestellt hatte, wofür es in seinem Vertrag jedoch keine Basis gab.
A third of British musicians consider leaving industry, MU survey reveals
A Musicians’ Union survey has revealed that 34% of British musicians are considering leaving the industry due to financial pressure caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The survey also showed that nearly half of MU members have had to seek work outside the industry, with seven in ten unable to undertake more than a quarter of their usual work. 87% of musicians will be earning less than £20,000 this year – well below the UK average income of £29,600.
With furlough schemes coming to an end, many of those who had up until now been covered will now be facing financial hardship. 88% of respondents said that the government had not done enough to support musicians.