
15th April: On-demand classical radio station, German post corona culture, MET Opera “At-home Gala”

Wednesday 15th April 2020

Primephonic launches first on-demand classical radio station

Primephonic has announced the launch of the first on-demand classical radio station. The classical music streaming service, based in the Netherlands, has created a new function that merges the world of radio and streaming by allowing users to listen to a curated station based on their personal preferences, as opposed to previous selections. Listeners will also be given the option to skip tracks they dislike and pinpoint their preferences based on period, mood and classical genre.
This new function is possible thanks to a team of classical music enthusiasts in Amsterdam who have painstakingly entered metadata by hand to categorise each classical music work. The software update is being launched in response to a growing number of older listeners who are easing into the world of audio streaming, but are reluctant to put their tastes entirely in the hands of technology

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Sachsen will kulturelle Durststrecke nach Corona-Krise rasch beenden

Sachsen will die vom Coronavirus verursachte Zwangspause für Kultureinrichtungen so schnell wie möglich beenden. «Ich rechne damit, dass wir zunächst stufenweise unsere Einrichtungen wieder öffnen werden», sagte Kulturministerin Barbara Klepsch (CDU) der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Dresden. Dabei spiele auch der Infektionsschutz eine Rolle.

Die Häuser würden wieder aufmachen und spielen wollen, betonte Klesch: «Sie werden sich vieles einfallen lassen, um wieder Leben in die Museen, Theater und Kulturvereine zu bekommen, da bin ich ganz sicher.» Das Land werde sie dabei mit allen zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln unterstützen: «Und auch die Menschen werden wieder kommen, denn die Sehnsucht nach Kultur ist stark.»

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Saxony wants to quickly end cultural dry spell after Corona crisis

Saxony wants to end the forced break for cultural institutions caused by the corona virus as soon as possible. “I expect that we will gradually reopen our facilities,” said Minister of Culture Barbara Klepsch (CDU) to the German Press Agency in Dresden. Protection against infection also plays a role here.

The institutions would want to open and play again, Klesch emphasized: “They will come up with a lot of ideas to get life back into the museums, theaters and cultural associations, I’m sure of that.” The country will support them with all available means: “And the people will come again, because the longing for culture is strong.”

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D’Anna Netrebko à Roberto Alagna, plus de 40 artistes vont donner un concert sur internet

C’est dans le cadre de sa campagne de collecte de fonds « The Voice Must Be Heard » pour soutenir l’institution et protéger son avenir que le Metropolitan Opera de New York (Met Opera) a décidé d’organiser ce « At-home Gala » inédit. Un concert exceptionnel qui réunira, à distance, plus de 40 immenses artistes lyriques. Ainsi, sous la baguette du directeur musical du Met Opera, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, confiné chez lui à Montréal, et en coordination avec le directeur Peter Gelb, à New York, on retrouvera le samedi 25 avril, en direct à partir de 13h (18 heures en France) une kyrielle d’immenses chanteuses et chanteurs à travers une quinzaine de pays. Certains, en couple, se produiront ensemble comme Anna Netrebko et Yusif Eyvazov à Vienne; Roberto Alagna et Aleksandra Kurzak en banlieue parisienne; Bryn Terfel et et la harpiste Hannah Stone au Pays de Galles; Stephen Costello et le violoniste Yoon Kwon à New York ou Nicole Car et Etienne Dupuis à Paris. Les autres seuls chez eux, de Jamie Barton en Georgie (USA) à Pretty Yende en Afrique du Sud) en passant par Piotr Beczala en Pologne ou encore Jonas Kaufmann à Munich.

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From Anna Netrebko to Roberto Alagna, more than 40 artists will give a concert on the internet.

As part of its fundraising campaign “The Voice Must Be Heard” to support the institution and protect its future, the Metropolitan Opera of New York (Met Opera) has decided to organize this unprecedented “At-home Gala”. An exceptional concert that will bring together, from a distance, more than 40 immense lyric artists. Under the baton of Met Opera Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin, confined to his home in Montreal, and in coordination with Director Peter Gelb, in New York City, a host of immense singers from some fifteen countries will perform live on Saturday, April 25, starting at 1 p.m. (6 p.m. in France). Some of them, as couples, will perform together like Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov in Vienna; Roberto Alagna and Aleksandra Kurzak in the Paris suburbs; Bryn Terfel and the harpist Hannah Stone in Wales; Stephen Costello and the violinist Yoon Kwon in New York or Nicole Car and Etienne Dupuis in Paris. The others are at home alone, from Jamie Barton in Georgia (USA) to Pretty Yende in South Africa, Piotr Beczala in Poland and Jonas Kaufmann in Munich.

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