Orchestras for All to boost music leadership skills with new programme
The Music Leadership Training Programme is designed to provide music leaders and teachers working in state secondary schools, music hubs and community music services with new skills.
Through 10 online CPD modules, four of which are new, Orchestras for All will provide expert training to support teachers to develop or start an ensemble, with sessions covering conducting, finding suitable music, tips on running an inclusive rehearsal, and more.

«Wir können starten» – Sport und Kultur wollen Zuschauer zurückholen
Mit einem modularen Konzept wollen Wissenschaft, Sport und Kultur wieder mehr Zuschauer in ihre Spielstätten holen – bis hin zu Vollbesetzung. «Wir wollen der Politik einen Weg aufzeigen, wie es zurück gehen könnte», sagte der Berliner Gesundheitsökonom Florian Kainzinger am Montag in Berlin während der Präsentation des von gut 40 Sport- und Kultureinrichtungen getragenen Konzeptes, an dem 20 Wissenschaftler verschiedener Fachrichtungen mitgewirkt haben.

“We are ready to start” – Sport and culture want to bring back spectators
With a similar concept, science, sport and culture want to bring back more spectators to their venues – up to full occupancy. “We want to show politics a way back,” said Florian Kainzinger, a health economist from Berlin, on Monday in Berlin during the presentation of the concept, which is supported by a good 40 sports and cultural institutions and on which 20 scientists from various disciplines have worked.
Le Bayerische Staatsoper reproduit les bruits de la salle de concert chez vous
Quintes de toux, froissement de papier de bonbons, fauteuil qui grince… Autant de petits bruits qui font la petite musique d’ambiance des salles de concert et qui manquent désormais aux mélomanes. Le Bayerische Staatsoper propose de les recréer, sur sa plateforme de streaming.
Le concert, le spectacle vivant qui plus est, c’est la musique, mais c’est aussi toute l’ambiance qui va avec : l’accord de l’orchestre, les conversations chuchotées ou non avant le l’entrée du ou de la cheffe…

The Bayerische Staatsoper reproduces the sounds of the concert hall in your own home
Coughing fits, crumpling candy wrappers, squeaking armchairs… So many little noises that make up the little background music in concert halls and that music lovers now miss. The Bayerische Staatsoper offers to recreate them on its streaming platform.
The concert, the live show, is not only the music, but also the whole atmosphere that goes with it: the chord of the orchestra, the conversations, whispered or not, before the conductor enters…